God I hate Ich

My first ryukin I bought at Petsmart and she came down with ich a few days after I bought her, then like a week ago I bought a male ryukin and today I noticed he got ich, and my female has it again too! I barely made it to my lfs with 2 min to closing to buy meds for them. I think I am done buying fish there. I unly buy my ryukins there because my lfs doesnt carry them. They should be cool in a few days, glad I caught it before it got too bad. Now just gotta boil my net and gravel vac, so my tetras dont get it too!!


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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that sucks.:( i hate ich too, clown loaches are so hard to cure, and they get it so easily. whats worse is most meds will probably kill them. ive seen a couple that dont contain the hurtful chemicals, and say safe for all fish,but im still reluctant.

May 27, 2003
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I hate ich too! Who doesn't? Perhaps every person in this hobby has at least, at one point, battled ich. Needless to say, my first, and only battle with ich, took over one month to get rid off. Since then, all fish are healthy and not a single outbreak yet. I better not jinx myself for saying that...