Going to set up Breeder Tank - Blue Gourami


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
I'm going to set up a 10 gal breeder tank for my blue gourami. From what I've been reading, here's what I'm going to do.

10gal tank, very lightly gravel lined bottom
Spounge Filter
Plexiglas cover
Floating plants
clay flower pot
heated to about 85F
water level of 6-8"
floating vegetation

I plan on adding the female (who's chest is getting swollen with eggs) and letting her get settled in the tank. I'll add the male about 2 weeks later. Remove the female after spawning, and remove the male after hatching starts.

What type of filter (specifically) do you guys recommend? Also, is there anything I'm forgetting on my startup here?