Gold Dust Molly Fry


New Fish
May 17, 2010
Well, my gold dust molly that I had talked about before had her fry. She had about 15-20 babies in the main tank, so I saved five and let the others play a game of survival of the fittest, since I don't have room for all of them. I have a question about my fry. Two of them are a peachish yellow, two are a little off-white, and one is black. Does this mean they're different kinds of mollies? Their shapes are really different, as well. The yellowish ones are more plump than the others, the whitish ones are longer than my yellow ones, but are a tad more skinny, and the black one is extremely skinny and is about the same length of the yellowish ones. I'm just wondering what to expect. Is it possible for a molly to hold sperm of several different males, and have one batch of fry, some having different fathers? Just curious.
