gold nugget not getting food


Superstar Fish
Mar 30, 2004
my gold nugget pleco is really skinny and it seems like he's not getting any food :(. i drop shrimp pellets for him at night but i guess he doesnt get to them before the dojo, pictus catfish, or GT do. his skinnyness is really noticeable. will he eat algae discs? can they stay underwater for a while or do they decay fast? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

note: his driftwood is still soaking and still dropping the pH...maybe i shouldve gotten the driftwood before i got the gold nugget....


Superstar Fish
Yes, it will like algae wafers. It will also appreciate zucchini slices, cucumber slices, spinach leaves, in addition to shrimp pellets, bloodworms and other meaty foods. If your other fish are eating all the food, you may just need to put more in so that they get their fill and there is still food left.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
try a garlic stuffed prawn,from what i know goldspots like a bit of meat in their diet and a bit of garlic couldn't hurt as it sounds like a parasite problem.when you buy fish like goldspots,most times they aren't farmed fish they are wild caught,which means they harbor a load of parasites that don't bother them untill the stress of shipping sets in.


Superstar Fish
Mar 30, 2004
i put a cucumber slice in with him. but i think the little guy is dying...i tried to get him to go on the cucumber slice but he barely moved...i think someones pickin on him

how long can i keep the cucumber slice in there before it goes bad?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i wouldn't worry about the cucuber slice as much as the fish.
i think the way people talk about fresh vegetable rotting in tanks is overstated.focus on you pleco.
you THINK someone is picking on him or you know someone is picking on him?
in a 29 with a gt it's a big possiblity.
unlike the dojo which has very good camoflage,that pleco is a becon of colors.i wouldn't doubt that the gt is stealin food and picking at him at the same time.
really look into moving the g into a tub or something temporary so that you can nurse him back.there may still be a chance.


Superstar Fish
Mar 30, 2004
well, last night i think there was a fight in the tank. i heard some noises comin from the tank so i turned the light on. the gold nugget was layin on his back next to the glass. i suspect it was the pictus catfish, because i watched him for a bit and he was chasin my GT around the tank. i really need to get rid of this GT but the lfs wont take him even for free. i have no long-term home for the GT right now. i could put the gold nugget back into the 10 gallon to nurse it back to good health but the tank might still have a bad case of parasites from the guppy that had them...i really dont know how im going to nurse this little guy back to health but i know hes in bad shape because he hardly moved when i touched him. his mouth isnt even attached to the gravel hes just kinda layin there and he doesnt move...hes REALLY skinny


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
thats rough,i've been in similar stiuations.....
your pictus,how big is it?i have never seen agressive behaviour in pictus cats.i know they eat little things that sleep at the bottom,so i would figure that a gt and a goldspot would be a bit much to cram into their mouth.
i have a strong leaning toward the gt being the troublemake because it would only make sense,it's classic bored cichlid behaviour.but that doesn't mean i'm right big is the goldspot again,becaue if he's small enough the ten would be the logical choice.
one your assured that only he eats,and two,if it does die,your other fish won't get a chance to eat it's corpse.
be sure that the ten has adaquite cover or that will just be more stressful.


Superstar Fish
Mar 30, 2004
well the 10 gallon had an outbreak of some kind of parasite in one of my guppies so i was hesitant to put the gold nugget back in there. hes 2" long and the green terrors 2.5" long...i wish i could add this driftwood you think i should put him back in the 10 gallon?

edit: oh hes losing his black color and its turning light gray...:(

edit2: now his colors are back...hmm...

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Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
A major cause of pl*co death is not eating when introduced to a new tank - it's a classic.

Being attacked by other fish aint gonna help here - can you get him into another tank while he settles down ?

The way things are going you're gonna lose him.........


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
it's too time treat any fish like that for parasites,even if there isn't any signs of parasites.almost all wild plecs have parasites.if and when you go to try another one,ask to watch them eat first,and stick around to make sure it acts normal during eating.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Sorry to hear about your pleco :(

I think the best thing to do if you get another one is to plan it so you can keep it in quarantine for at least a couple of weeks before you put it in your tank. I know it's sometimes hard to resist a fish you want when you see it, but you have to make sure you have the right place to put it when you bring it home.

Gold nuggets are more delicate than common plecos, that's one of the reasons for the high price. If you get another one, you need to treat it carefully at first, and make sure no one is going to beat him up.


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2004
Some LFSs will also hold a fish for a time. I know it's common in the salt communitiy, at least around here, and not unheard of in the fresh community. It's worth an ask.

If it dies there, there's not much you can do about it and you won't have the added stress of losing a fish that comes to your tank sick.

Sorry about the loss. Along with Zebras, Nuggets are my favorite plecos:(


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Fishdude, do a search back through this forum on what I've previously said about nuggets. They are one of the harder L number plecs to keep, and I'd reckon a good 80% die inside 3 months, usually from starvation. In a tank with a GT, a pictus, and a loach I'd say a small nugget has next to no chance.
I think nuggets are my favourite plec., period.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cut and paste what I've said before...

There are five main types of fish sold as gold nuggets, which implies black fish , white dots and white seams to dorsal and caudal fins. There's a normal, small spot, large spot, and yellow and cream spot 'flavours' but all are similar. I have a nice 'normal' one in a tank with a 5 inch L-33, black base with white spots.
The first source you should try is, which has the gold nugget as a catfish of the month, and will tell you max sizes and so on. If you look in the forums you'll also see a lot of people reckon this fish is not the easiest to keep, but there are basic rules you must stick too. Even then small, recently imported Baryancistrus are not the strongest.
Gold nuggets need good , clean , well oxygenated water. Get some water flow moving in your tank - I have approx 1000 litres an hour in a 200 litre tank where mine live and that seems ok. Note that every time these fish are bred though, and it's not super impossible, people are really pushing the water around - they need that oxygen, especially as they prefer temperatures around 78 - 80. Don't worry about pH within reasonable limits, but get used to water changes, the more the merrier. 10% once a week is the absolute base limit, 10% three times a week and your nuggets will thank you. This is partially because of their feeding habits.
I've seen reports of Baryancistrus chewing plants, but I've never seen this, though honestly I don't really look. I also don't expect nuggets to clean algae - they spend most of their time browsing the substrate in the wild, eating any organics they find, small shrimps. I feed mins shrimp, catfish pellets and the like and they tuck into those pretty hungrily as well as just trundling around chewing the gravel and any surfaces. To give them ample food, you effectively need to overfeed to keep food lying around for them. I feel, that like marine tangs or angels, they need lots of small meals, not one or two big ones though mine punce on bigger meals atastonishing speed. Thus you need to do the water changes described above, to keep the water aadequately clean. Like other peple, I suspect the vast majority of these fish don't grow because they're slowly starving to death. If they're eating algae it probably means there's nothing better for them.
Yes they are bred. And yes, I think they're absolutely beautiful. Stick to some simple rules, and they really are great to keep, and soon start to come and feed and be out during the day.