Goldfish Is Swimming Oddly


New Fish
Aug 22, 2013
I checked on my fish tonight and almost freaked out because my fantail goldfish was missing and then freaked even more when I looked at my filter, finding said goldfish under it... stuck. I found this odd since both my goldfish, bottom feeder, and two dwarf frogs can easily swim out from underneath it with ease. After turning the filter off and letting the fish free I noticed its change in swimming rhythm right away. At first I shrugged the concern off, deciding the fish to be tired, but after having sat around the tank for half an hour I noticed that its swimming was not improving. It had found a hiding place between the tank's wall and the skull decoration with the bottom feeder and one of my frogs. It sat on the floor for a long while, not moving or breathing. Its hiding spot was so small that I figured it dead but after tapping the tank's cover it jerked back to life and breathed only to fall into the same pattern again of not moving... even when the frog beneath it kept mistaking its tail fins for food. Every now and then it will try at swimming but will either stop abruptly and fall some, not moving again, or jerk around. Now that I think about it... this fish hasn't been very active lately. Other then this fella the rest of my fish have been acting normal... is my fish okay, just really tired?

It took it forever to stop bumping into the tank's wall, freezing, and allowing the frog to chomp on its tail fins before it went inside (more like floated/fell) the skull decoration.

Feb 27, 2009
It sounds like the goldfish is dying.

What sized tank are these fish/frogs in? How long has the tank been set up and is the tank cycled? What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

Aug 28, 2013
Dayton, OH
It sounds like your goldfish got really stressed out, and indeed, might be dying... sometimes they just don't recover from such an ordeal, especially in a community tank with other fish. I second OrangeCones' question, how big is this tank we're talking about, etc... and what kind of frogs are they?