Goldfish shaking? rapid tail movement question


New Fish
Jul 15, 2013
Good afternoon.

I have a weird situation with a couple of fish. They are darting around the tank and very "twitchy" for lack of a better term.

Let me give you a rundown of the situation. I have a 10 gallon tank for fry. I have maybe a dozen half-inch in there now. Its filtered, cycled, and water from my pond was used. Yesterday I pulled five shubunkin fry from the pond and placed them in the tank. There are fry from four different so awnings with the same male and two females. Out of the five that I added two were about 3/⁴ in and are fine. The other three are about an inch and a quarter 2 shubunkin and one comet. The three bigger fish are hiding in the corner and flapping their gills and tails very rapidly almost shaking. I'm thinking they're just scared but its a first for me.

Water temp and tested out fine. Fish acclimated correctly.

Any thoughts?

Feb 27, 2009
Goldies are huge waste producers.

You mentioned having 6 at first, then added 5 more, so a total of 11 in a 10gallon tank? Even though they are small, that may be too much for your biological filter, if its established.

What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate?

Feb 18, 2013
I have a good friend who has several 500-1000 gal + koi ponds, when he has fry that he specifically wants, platinum butterfly or the likes he will separate 1 mail and 2 females in a Rubbermaid stock tank with filtration for a 600 gal or so.

Something like this Rubbermaid Stock Tank 300gal - Southern States Cooperative

If you're going to raise them to adults to re-introduce or to sell you might want to do something similar if you plan to do it often. Otherwise you have about 11 to many fish in the tank you'll quickly experience issues with Ammonia \ Nitrites.


New Fish
Jul 15, 2013
Thanks for all of the advice, but I think I found the problem. Turns out that the three one-inch fry are just spooked by the lighting. I have since moved the three to a bigger tank with more hiding spots and noticed that they in act strange when an artificial light is on.

They will eventually move back to the pond after a while. I don't want to stress them out anymore, I'm just trying to separate the keepers from the one I'll give away.

On another note.......the lone male that made all of these is all white except for one nickel sized round spot of orange. I'm pretty sure he's just a common goldfish, but the mix of him and the shubunkin female make some awesome looking babies. I'll try to post pics once they've gotten a little more settled. I'm curious to see if their patterns will stay or not.