Goldfish Veggie Diet


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I feed my Goldfish vegetables not only too keep a proper diet, but to boost their colors from the carotenoids in the veggies. Recently, I got a Black Moor that I have yet ot feed any veggies. I have previously bought a black fantail that turned orange within a month, so of course) I want my Black Moor to stay BLACK. My question is: Will the carotenoids from the vegetables cause my Black Moor to turn orange?? I want the best health for my fish, but I'm greedy and want a pure black fish for once. XP I just love how he's a velvet black color that has not flaws.


Superstar Fish
There are so many hybrids it hard to say. Most goldfish will change color with the season either being a slight or extreme change. I have one that is red and white but, it will change to all white sometimes just for the winter season or for a year or better??? This last change has been to all white for almost two years now. Not sure why as I am not a goldfish authority. It is strange though, I have had this goldfish for almost 7 years.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Hm. I read a post saying that someone did an experiment with a black Koi. They had it in a large aquarium and they put it in a pond with direct sunlight for 5 days and it turned pure orange. They put it in back in the aquarium and it turned all black again in 3 days. Fish genetics are weird. Marbled Bettas for instance. :p o_O


Superstar Fish
Are you working at the fish store yet???? I read about your disaster. I had one to so I can not be to hard on you,,,,,, but!!!!! You need to figure out what made your fish die before buying new ones. Figuring this out might takes days or weeks and then might take a month to fix!!!!! I must admit that I was very disappointed when I read you got new fish the NEXT day. I see you give people advice on here all the time and most of the time its pretty good advice. So I really believed you knew better. In this case of you buying more fish the day after your other fish died really concerns me of your fish care/knowledge. I do not mean to discourage you at all. I was just wanting to share with you how I felt about your actions. I do have four kids (with many friends that call me DAD) so I have this natural father-ish feeling toward younger people. I am not trying to over step any boundaries at ALL!!!! I am just stating my concern. So if I can help, I am happy to do so. If you think I over stepped any boundaries please let me know as this was not my intention.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Ok, I understand. I just got over excited with tons of fish. And yeah, I'm working there. The customers love my knowledge!!! I know a lot, it's just my own ignorance overcomes my knowledge when it comes to my tanks.

BTW, I have very few boundaries (still have the important ones!!), just don't get in my personal bubble. lol Whenever people get into my personal bubble I get injured. For instance, my friend's birthday/new years party I got dog piled and I have so many bruises on me it's ridiculous. XD

So far, my 3 banded kuhlis and 4 zebra danios have acclimated well and are nice and active. Dang it!! My 'm' key just popped off and I have to use my finger to type it. DX Fail!!!!!


Superstar Fish
I don't mean to get into any bubbles or personal space!!!! I was just trying to give you a friendly tap in the right direction. The advice you give your customers must be sincere and true as one cannot preach and do the opposite. You must understand that your customers are going to hang on your every word if they are inexperienced. If a customer comes in with dead and dying fish you cannot recommend buying new ones as you did, as this is very irresponsible as a pet owner if you do not know why and have corrected the problem.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Well, I bought different fish.....but I wouldn't tell anyone to buy more fish because theirs died. Oh by the way...MY BUBBLE!! XD

SS, you can use raw or blanched (boiled quickly) veggies like peas (you have to peel the outside skin off cuz fish can't digest it. You also have to squish the insides with your fingers) spinach, lettuce, zucchini, cucumber, and (i believe) carrots. You have to chop these into small/bite sized pieces or moderate slices (for zucchini, etc). Fish need veggies cuz they are omnivores. What else is better than fresh veggies prepared by you??

Note: Go easy on the peas. They act as a laxative and it's great to treat swim bladder problems in goldfish, cuz it's most common in them. So if you have a fish that appears healthy, but is not pooping and swimming awkwardly, fed it properly prepared peas. =)

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Lol yeah, but check my post, I edited it. Veggies are important for fish cuz they have carotenoids that can only be obtained by eating veggies. They improve the fishes health and maximize their colors.

Lookie me!! I know so many big words. XP

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
It will be divided, with one hamster on one side, and one on the other. The only problem is that it is on a stand, and I have to stand on the bottom of the stand in order for my hand to reach the bottom of the tank! But even then I am still getting the circulation cut off to my arm!