Goldifsh AND other fish, will it work?


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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yea, he'll work fine. But remember, its commonly known goldfish work well at lower temps, so if you toss a goldfish into a tropical tank his metabolism will work a bit faster. He'll be a nonstop eater, and dirty the tank easily. Just keep up on gravel cleans.


Small Fish
Apr 22, 2003
South Dakota
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i agree with Guardian. fiddler crabs can be kinda nasty. and it will definitely kill the frog. as for goldfish; i've been told that you have to keep the tank at about sixty degrees if there's goldfish and freshwater fish. the reason for this is goldfish carry disease and cold water will kill disease. unfortunately, the other fish won't grow very quickly, if at all(u can decide if that's bad or not). also the cold water could stress out the other fish. but, don't take my word for it; i'm no expert. that's just what i've been told. u might want to investigate before you invest.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The optimum temperature for goldfish to be at is 68-70oF.

This is not because the cold water kills disease, as a matter of fact, it doesn't. Low temps only slows down the rate the disease spreads, ie. bacteria grow slower at low temps than at high temps, but goldfish in unsanitary conditions get diseases all the same.

Goldfish require cooler water temperatures because their metabolic respiration is adapted to a high degree of oxygen saturation in the water. Cold water holds more oxygen than warm water, and goldfish require more oxygen in their water in order to "breath" properly. A goldfish placed in warm, tropical temp water is basically suffocating from lack of oxygen even if the other fish are fine. The reccommended volume of water per goldfish is ten gallons. Most professional goldfish collectors will only keep a full-grown pair in a 55 gallon tank. Goldfish can live upwards of 25 years if properly cared for.

I don't recommend keeping goldfish with any other variety of fish or amphibian or crustatan. Goldfish are notorious nibblers, and will eat fish that are smaller than they are (ie white clouds). Aquatic frogs grow large as well, and the fiddler crab is a fish eater. The only other fish I've had success with keeping with goldfish are blue channel catfish, and sun catfish. The only problem is that each of these catfish species can grow over three feet in length.

Give your goldfish his own digs. He'll be happier and easier to care for that way.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
depends on what kind of goldfish and what size tank you have...some fancy goldfish only grow to 4 or 5 inches so you MIGHT be able to keep small fish like white clouds with them, if u dont mind the fact that they might eventually get eaten

personally i would go with a weather/dojo loach average size for them is about 4 inches and theyre "ugly cute" or maybe some cories, skunk (arched) cories are supposed to like cooler temps if i remember correctly

btw goldfish only raise ammonia to toxic levels when people do not understand how to stock a tank...the rule of one inch per gallon applies to slim-bodied fish, goldfish are a fat-bodied fish ...many fish fall into the same catagory and produce more waste...its all about they are not the magical "ammonia factories" everyone makes them out to be



Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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gold fish are dirty, and overall bad for any other aquarium fish. they do not get along well in warmer waters, and eat anything they can fit in their mouths. they grow to between 8 and 24 ins=ches depending on species/variety, and most filters are not designed with those little waste factories in mind. they also carry a slightly different strain of freshwater ick that is harder to cure.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
All fish produce ammonia, doesn't matter the species. An overpopulated ten gallon tank of tetras can produce just as much ammonia as one goldfish does. The reason goldfish cause a lot of ammonia is because they are big eaters. So are oscars, plecos, and any fish that requires a protien based diet. The more a fish requires for nutrition, the more they poop, the more ammonia in your tank, the "dirtier" the tank. That why it is also recommended to keep such fish in large volumes of water. The more water you have, the more the fish waste is diluted, the less concentrated the ammonia, the heathier your fish. Also, frequent water changes. With goldfish it wouldn't hurt them to do a 50% tank change twice a week. They actually thrive better for it.

All variety of goldfish definately grow larger than 4-5". Single tailed species such as comets (feeders), and shubunkin can grow a good 24" long and live 30+ years. Koi are also known to top 24-30". Fat bodied fantail variets (orandas, calicos, ryunkin, etc) can grow to be the size of soft-balls. The reason so many people are mis-informed about the actual size goldfish can get are because they don't keep them alive that long. Some people are under the mis-conception that goldfish maybe live only six months or so because they've never taken care of their fish properly. Proper diet, good water quality, strong filtration, and loving adoration are what make goldfish very happy, long-lived, personable pets.