To Brian 1973: 1) Yes. all those fish are in the same tank. Ive been doing 10-25% Water changes about every other day because i know the bioload is getting bad, but i dont really know what to do other than jsut kill my guppies as they spawn, and call me a softie, but i dont like to do that. Dont have a problem killing a deer though. go figure. The damn things are suppossed to eat their young right? havent seen ANY of that yet.
2) The only fish store within 120 miles that i know of is the local petsmart or the wall mart and i got the pleco from Petsmart. this one lived longer than the others, and died differently.
3) i highly doubt the driftwood itself is to blame. he munched on it, along with the oto for some reason, for several days before this happened. The oto is still fine.
4) No, unfortunately, the firebellies arent in seperate housing yet, Although this particular tank is set up to keep them pretty comfortable. they need water to swim in and land to eat and sleep on. but i have a platform right at the surface of the water which serves as their land. they are totally comfortable,(you can tell by their color) and the initial 3 guppies (which i actually got to see if the toads would eat) have been living in the same water that the toads have been swimming in since about september with no ill effects, they even spawn regularly, as you know. when its all said and done, i think all concerned are comfortable. of course, if anyone knows differently, i would like to know.
To Brooklynfish: My tank is 16 gallons, and the water level is kept at 10 gallons. (the presence of the frogs demands a little headroom above the water)