Good additions to a freshwater community tank?


Small Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Twin Cities, Minnesota
I have a 50gal tank which currently has:

1 Fantail Goldfish,
1 Black Swordtail (male),
1 Clown Pleco,
1 Albino Corydora,
1 Axelrodi Corydora,
1 Panda Corydora,
2 Siamese Algae Eaters (*NOT* Chinese),
3 Otocinclus.

[Before anyone lights me up, I''ve already been "informed" goldfish and tropicals can't/shouldn't co-exist ... but it's only ONE, it's the smartest fish I've ever owned, and it gets along with everything it's lived with.]

I'm thinking of adding the following fish (not all at once):

2 Swordtails (female),
3 Platys (1 male/2 female or all females),
1 Siamese Algae Eater,
2 Cherry Barbs,
4-6 Glowlight Tetras,
4-6 Head & Taillight Tetras,
1 Male Betta (anyone think this would go berserk against anything listed -- currentlyowned or future prospect?).

I have my tank decorated with Lego underwater sets. I have very few plants (one each of java fern, wisteria and bacopa) and when I use alot of light, I get tons of brown algae and green-spot algae ... which is why I have so many otos, SAEs and a clown pleco. [I know otos can't eat green-spot, but the SAEs have done a good job for me.]

I would like to increase the number of plants (before I add barbs & tetras, so they have more plant-cover to hide within), but I had various plants earlier and they died immediately (poor lighting, whbich has been corrected) ... so I'm taking the "hearty low-maintenance plant" approach to ensure I don't have a black thumb!

If anyone has owned these kinds of fish -- especially together in a community tank -- your input would be greatly appreciated! Anyone with info and/or hints about good plants ... please respond as well.

Thanks in advance to helpful informers. *celebrate


ive found that the SAEs are aggressive amongst each other, i havent read that anywhere else but have seen it happen in my tank.

definately add the plants, the only signs of algae in my tank is under the gravel where the 2 SAE cant get to, otherwise its spotless.

the betta will be perfectly fine in your tank, if anythign you shuld be worried about the other fish attcking it, mine was so scared that it always hid and eventually died.