I have a 50gal tank which currently has:
1 Fantail Goldfish,
1 Black Swordtail (male),
1 Clown Pleco,
1 Albino Corydora,
1 Axelrodi Corydora,
1 Panda Corydora,
2 Siamese Algae Eaters (*NOT* Chinese),
3 Otocinclus.
[Before anyone lights me up, I''ve already been "informed" goldfish and tropicals can't/shouldn't co-exist ... but it's only ONE, it's the smartest fish I've ever owned, and it gets along with everything it's lived with.]
I'm thinking of adding the following fish (not all at once):
2 Swordtails (female),
3 Platys (1 male/2 female or all females),
1 Siamese Algae Eater,
2 Cherry Barbs,
4-6 Glowlight Tetras,
4-6 Head & Taillight Tetras,
1 Male Betta (anyone think this would go berserk against anything listed -- currentlyowned or future prospect?).
I have my tank decorated with Lego underwater sets. I have very few plants (one each of java fern, wisteria and bacopa) and when I use alot of light, I get tons of brown algae and green-spot algae ... which is why I have so many otos, SAEs and a clown pleco. [I know otos can't eat green-spot, but the SAEs have done a good job for me.]
I would like to increase the number of plants (before I add barbs & tetras, so they have more plant-cover to hide within), but I had various plants earlier and they died immediately (poor lighting, whbich has been corrected) ... so I'm taking the "hearty low-maintenance plant" approach to ensure I don't have a black thumb!
If anyone has owned these kinds of fish -- especially together in a community tank -- your input would be greatly appreciated! Anyone with info and/or hints about good plants ... please respond as well.
Thanks in advance to helpful informers. *celebrate
1 Fantail Goldfish,
1 Black Swordtail (male),
1 Clown Pleco,
1 Albino Corydora,
1 Axelrodi Corydora,
1 Panda Corydora,
2 Siamese Algae Eaters (*NOT* Chinese),
3 Otocinclus.
[Before anyone lights me up, I''ve already been "informed" goldfish and tropicals can't/shouldn't co-exist ... but it's only ONE, it's the smartest fish I've ever owned, and it gets along with everything it's lived with.]
I'm thinking of adding the following fish (not all at once):
2 Swordtails (female),
3 Platys (1 male/2 female or all females),
1 Siamese Algae Eater,
2 Cherry Barbs,
4-6 Glowlight Tetras,
4-6 Head & Taillight Tetras,
1 Male Betta (anyone think this would go berserk against anything listed -- currentlyowned or future prospect?).
I have my tank decorated with Lego underwater sets. I have very few plants (one each of java fern, wisteria and bacopa) and when I use alot of light, I get tons of brown algae and green-spot algae ... which is why I have so many otos, SAEs and a clown pleco. [I know otos can't eat green-spot, but the SAEs have done a good job for me.]
I would like to increase the number of plants (before I add barbs & tetras, so they have more plant-cover to hide within), but I had various plants earlier and they died immediately (poor lighting, whbich has been corrected) ... so I'm taking the "hearty low-maintenance plant" approach to ensure I don't have a black thumb!
If anyone has owned these kinds of fish -- especially together in a community tank -- your input would be greatly appreciated! Anyone with info and/or hints about good plants ... please respond as well.
Thanks in advance to helpful informers. *celebrate
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