Good Algae Eater Fish


Large Fish
May 26, 2003
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What are some good algae eaters that would do a good job cleaning up the brown algae I just started noticing on my glass? Some people say Plecos, some say Catfish, some say Ottos. What would you recommend. I'm considering Ottos but, are there different kinds? If there are, which should I get?

I've also heard that some algae eaters can get aggressive when they get old so I want to avoid those.

Also, how many should I get for my 55 gallon whose current residents are listed below? Thanks.


Small Fish
Feb 18, 2003
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I would go with Ottos as well. They do a good job keeping algae under control, they are peaceful and they do not grow very large. As long as the tank is established and there are no fish that are going to gobble them up you should have no worries. In my 55 I have 6, they usually school together and they are always busy. They are fun to watch as well.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
ottos are truly great algae eating fish.some plecos do a good job but most will just horad the food you dropped in for your other fish before eating algae.chinese algae eaters(cae) eat algae when they are young but tend to stop eatng algae as they get older,and they can gt mean too.siamese algae eaters(sae) are good at eating algae but are hard to find and hard to tell from a cae unless you know what to look for

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
I agree with the others. Otto's are great. In my 20 gallon I had brown algae everywhere at one time. Within 2 or 3 days the 4 of them cleaned everything up. Bristlense catfish are pretty good too if you can find them.