Hmm... thats not gonna be a very nice tank and you have about 100 problems with your selections which I will outline now:
2 corys? in an 80? try 10. Theyll be lonely.
1 flying fox? WHY?
1 Kuhli loach? nay nay, more like 10 again
2 mollys- no you're not. They need brackish water to be happy and its cruel to keep a fish in the wrong conditions "But my uncle did it" good for him. Dont do it.
2 Danios? No. Try atleast 8, and go GIANT danio, much nicer fish and better suited to the size.
The lemon tetras, go nuts, very tough fish, but I suggest, again, a larger school.
Neons or cardinals, sure, but only if the tank is HEAVILY planted, and if you plan to also include the danios, their fast movements will frighten the neons, and the neons, being kind of dopey, wont get food fast enough.
Also, this really seems like a boooring *** tank to me. Unless you already HAVE these fish lyin around and u wish them a better home, trash this idea and put some nice cichlids in the EIGHTY, where you will have way more options.
A couple convicts, couple firemouths, sajicas, some bolivian rams, and then some giant danios schooling along the top?
Doesnt that sound much nicer?