Good-bye little Balloon Molly

Monday Sept 13, 2004 my Orange, white and black speckled Balloon Molly passed away.

She was a great fish. The most friendly out of all of them. As soon as she would see one of us, she would swim up to the glass to say "Hello".

She was special to me, because she was the last remaining original fish of my tank. She was a fighter. She made it through my 6ppm Ammonia levels, the diseases I had in the tank, she lived through it all.

Then on Monday night, she just started swimming funny. It was just all of a sudden too, because she was fine that morning. I tested the water, it was fine. No diseases. No one picked on her, cause she was the biggest one...I had no idea what was wrong.

She was trying to hang on, occasionally getting sucked onto the filter, swimming upside down, etc. Finally, my wife and I told her that we loved her and that it was okay to go. About 15 minutes later, she just stopped breathing. I then sent her to sea.

This may sound crazy, I know. But she was a special fish to us. I think this is only the second time that I have been somewhat emotional about a fish.

Wherever she is now, I hope she is resting in peace.
