Just had to share this one. My son in law stopped by a thrift shop and called me to see if I would pick up a tank for him. He didn't have any extra cash on hand and it wouldn't fit in his car anyway. So I stopped by on the way home, went inside to look for the tank. The first tank I saw was a 55g that had been used for saltwater and was in real bad shape. It had all its equipment with it so I guess it was a deal at 20$. The lady at the store said if I wanted to, she would sell me the tank and the stand for $40. I didn't want the tank but I could use what looked to be a decent sized stand. I moved the 55 off the stand and removed a piece of cloth off it to find out that the "stand" was actually a brand new 90g acrylic saltwater tank. Already drilled for plumbing with center overflow well and blue plexi background. I happily purchased the "stand" for 20$ put it in my truck and raced home. I also bought two new Whisper 45"s for 7$ there as well.