Good or Bad idea? Betta with Endlers?

I have a 5 gallon corner tank and it contains like 3 small male endlers around 1 inch or so and was wondering if it's a good idea to add a betta or will the betta go after them? or will the tiny endlers get medeival on the betta? The tank looks very busy with like lotsa colourful fake foliage and corals which should give them places to hide if they need a breather. can anyone chime up if this tank is going to be enough space for 4 of these fishes to coexist in harmony? I love colourful fishes that's why i got the endlers and was thinking of the beauty of a betta would really make is sweet!

here's what the environment is going to look like. The bubbles are micro bubbles and i just love bubbles! all mine!



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I would say a male betta is a bad idea. Maybe a female betta would work better. I'll let others chime in on that.

As an alternative, you could go for a sunset dwarf gourami, which do well in smaller tanks. Endlers really don't take up a lot of bioload, so I think you could get away with another small fish in there.