good schooling fish for a 10g

Jun 26, 2003
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i need a school of fish that can acompany my Rams in my 10 gallon. ive tried cardinals but they always swimming all over the place on their own.

i would really like to try some Espe's rasbora/heteromorpha espei

they're like harlequins but much smaller. i forgot their school behaviour but i know harlequins school well even in a secure environment.

any other suggestions?
its a lightly planted tank, so tons of swimming space.

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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A 10g doesn't provide enough room for a big enough school of schooling fish to really see their true behavior. You might get that result with white cloud minnows. I don't really know anything about Espe's rasbora, is that the dwarf rasbora? They might work, I've never seen them in any of my LFSs.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
not only is 10G not big enough for a good sized school of anything...but definitely not in addition to other fish. How many rams do you have in the tank already?

I have espei rasboras in a 10 (oddly enough) and they school pretty well for such a small tank. I would recommend 5-7 of them in a 10 granted you only have 1 or 2 rams and 1 or 2 other fish in there.

I also have a 4 fish school of 1in. bloodfin tetras which school very tight in my 10 gallon. I think blue tetras do the same so they might be an option but with either of these guys you'd have to have a bigger tank to move them to when they get over an inch.


Large Fish
Jul 9, 2003
Rhode Island
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I have 8 harlequin rasboras in a 10g, and they school very well. When you first put them in (or add new ones to an existing school), it takes them a while to establish a pecking order. Before they become established, they don't school very well...but after a week or so, they form nice, tight schools while the lights are on.