good stocking level?


Medium Fish
Apr 7, 2003
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29 gal tank with...
4 white skirt tetras
2 platys
4 corys
5 zebra danios
1 leopard danio
2 neon tetras
1 SAE (if I can find him)

Is this good stocking level? or can I add a few more?

Im planning to move the neons to a 10 gal when it finishes cycling, and adding a few more to the school.

There will be platy babies real soon, hopefully I can scoop them all out, but i'll miss some im sure. They go in my baby tank.
Aint seen the sae in like 4 or 5 days, but im sure hes in there somewhere.

Don't know what I want to get if there is room, but just checking.

Oct 22, 2002
my first point of advice is if this is a new tank dont plop all the fish in there at once...that'll make huge swings in your 3-5 per week
second....I wouldn't get 2 neon tetras personally...they are a schooling fish and really only school when you get 6+ of them together...

Dont worry to much about finding a true SAE, I think ottos personally do a better job, are smaller and dont spend as much time chasing each other around the tank.

Danios are tank pacers....that gets annoying real fast (to me at least)

as far as the quantity of fish you should be ok as none will get to large, except the danios, they can get to be pretty darn big in time....

you could probably get away with a few more fish and not have a problem, personally I'd dump the danios as they eat the most, are the largest, and are kinda ghetto *LOL* in my opinion....


Medium Fish
Apr 7, 2003
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I had 9 neons, the rest got ate by someone :( Like I said, they are waiting for another tank to cycle.
I already have an SAE, just cant find him LOL. I think hes hiding in the castle just cant see in there too well.

zebras are cool, they always chase each other and stuff :)
Thanks for the input.