Good websites to buy freshwater shrimp?

Feb 15, 2005
Bucks County, PA
I have a moderately planted 20 gallon tank and recently bought 4 cherry fire shrimp at (excellent shopping experience btw); however, they were a little expensive ($7.49 w/ qty discount). Does anyone know of another online store that sells interesting freshwater shrimp at a reasonable price?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Feb 15, 2005
Bucks County, PA
fishbrain said:
I've been to their website many times but haven't ordered from them yet. I like their shrimp selection but it's a little expensive. Be sure to read the fine print, you have to place your order by Monday in order to get shipment that week. I'll probably try them once my tank cycles a little more.

Speaking of shrimp I'm acclimating some cherry shrimp right now. I bought them off of AquaBid and they all arrived alive and well. Sometimes you can get a great deal! :D


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Hi Yuki LoveFish,

It looks like you live not TOO far from Lancaster PA. Why not check out ThatFishPlace? They always have shrimp when I go there, although the selection seems to be random and hit or miss. Call ahead and tell them you don't mind waiting while they check, or ask if they're available and tell them you'll call back in 20 minutes. They've always been willing to check on availability for me when I tell them I live 90 minutes away.

Feb 15, 2005
Bucks County, PA
NoDelta, thanks for the post. I discovered that store not too long ago, and have been there a couple of times. It's the best fish store I've ever been to and the people are very nice and helpful!

The last time I took a trip over there I picked up four amano shrimp that have been doing great! Unfortunately when I asked about the cherrys they said they hadn't carried them for at least six months. Lucky for me the cherry shrimp I got off AquaBid included a pregnant female. So hopefully I'll have some babies soon! :D