Goodbye BN pleco :)/:(

Dec 14, 2009
hello all,

just a little update here, i recently noticed a deteriation in my plants and a couple of days ago i watched my BN pleco take out one of my amazon sword shroutlings. I decided enough was enough and bagged him up and took him down to the LFS, they gave me a £5 voucher for him as they said he was in perfect condition and they had someone looking for a BN. im planning on using the money to buy 2 more serpae tetras for the school.

oh and just a quick random question. Q. when a guppy has a very dark gravid spot but not fat at all, what does this mean? (question someone asked on another forum and i had No idea lol)

thanks :)

Aw, well at least it all ended up well and he is rehomed!

To my understanding the gravid spot will become darker and their belly will "square" when pregnant. When they aren't pregnant I notice that they have a orange/skin colored empty spot where the dark gravid usually is, so when it's turning dark typically they're probably pregnant. When it's dark they aren't instantly "fat" for pregnancy, like a human it isn't until about 5 months that it is visible. The gravid spot also helps you identify male or female. When they're pretty young it's hard to differentiate.