goodbye william & perry


Large Fish
May 18, 2003
sunny california
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my school of rasboras have diminished inexplicably over the past few days. i have tried all the initial tests to make sure it wasnt the water, disease, or stress.
mysteriously...their bodies show no sign of trauma or disease...not even the fading which is normal for a rasbora that is in stress.
i can only hope they died of old age *ive had them from the beginning of my fishkeeping...they helped cycle my first planted tank*
i am doing water changes, dosing with melafix and pimafix, and watching the behavior of my other fish. the only thing i can think of is that my new tank has a smaller surface area...and may not be providing enough oxygen at night. although my other fish show no signs of sickness. i am providing them with air from a pump at night now. i guess some lessons in fishkeeping can only be learned the hardway.

i named the school william and perry from the show "home movies"...and i hope they're as happy as those two from the cartoon!

farewell my dear fishies...


Large Fish
May 18, 2003
sunny california
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for future reference, for people with their own mystery fish losses...i think i found the real culprit of their deaths.

after doing a bit more investigating...i think the heater was heating the water at a higher temp than i desired. i knew this brand was slightly less accurate, but easier to conceal, i never imagined that this sacrifice would have such a sweeping effect on my tank (i realize now harlequins are more temperature sensitive than i previously knew). i believe the heater is more than a few degrees off. i will fiddle with it to get a sense of what i need to set it at to get the 24C i want. im also going to use my standard and digital thermometer to compare temps.

i am also relatively sure of this new theory bc none of my other fish are showing any signs of illness, changes in behavior, gasping, coloration changes, etc...(i have rummynose...notoriously sensitive too!). i changed the water, so hopefully this will be the end of my cataclysmic tank adventure.

i hope this helps anyone with harlequins of their own...