Got a new betta (no pic yet)


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Got a new betta (now with pics)

a crowntail from Petsmart. My local Petsmart just started carrying them.

:D He's my reward for pulling all my crafting junk out of my bedroom. I've been promising myself for a year that when I dejunked my room I'd buy myself another betta.
Anyway, he's a lavender crowntail with red tips. His head is kind of a muddy color, and my daughter thinks he's butt-ugly! *laughingc (I don't!)
He's very young, it seems, and apparently has never seen live food before. I say this because, if a fly or mosquito lands on the surface in Flame's tank, he goes right for it! and last night a fly fell onto the surface of the new fish's home and he just kept circling it, approaching and almost tasting it, then backing off and circling again. I watched him for ten minutes, then went to bed. About fifteen or twenty minutes later, I heard a little splash; I turned on a light and the fly was gone! I wonder if he waited for it to quit moving, or if it just took him that long to work up the nerve to taste it! *crazysmil Fish are funny.... I doubt he'll waste much time the next time a tasty insect happens to fall into his territory.

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Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Okay, okay, I've been lazy but tonight I'll post a pic of Odie. And maybe Flame, too, if I get time to trim the plants in the 10g. Oh, BTW, I took out the stupid irritating danios and put in four harlequin rasboras. Flame can ignore them even better. :D


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
:D Thanks Lotus. :D
I named Odie after the cartoon dog because my daughter says he is ugly, and I think he's very cute. It's a kind of tongue-in-cheek concession to her opinion. :p He always comes over to me when I come into the room. Flame is Mr. Cool, though; he pretends not to notice us as he patrols the tank.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Awww, they are so handsom! I love Odie's fins, they should be even more beautiful as he matures and gets healthy, etc. And Flame's vivid red is just gorgeous, I can't get over how deep it is! Congratulations, very nice boys ;)