I'm excited about these little fish as my cichlid obsession grows. Currently, they're in one of my 20-gallon community tanks (lots of hiding room, a private cave, lots of dither fish). They actually have a private tank in progress, and it's been set up and running a few days but won't be ready for a while yet - I read that they need established water - but saw these guys and had to have them. I figured they'd be OK in another tank until theirs is ready. (Is this OK? I hope it's OK...)
I've also read that sometimes it's better to have a male with a harem. I don't want to get too many of them, but it would be easy to pick up more if needed.
Any advice from experienced Ram keepers? I've read several articles on Blue Rams, and just want to make sure they receive the best care I can provide.
I've also read that sometimes it's better to have a male with a harem. I don't want to get too many of them, but it would be easy to pick up more if needed.
Any advice from experienced Ram keepers? I've read several articles on Blue Rams, and just want to make sure they receive the best care I can provide.