Hi Definitely fallen in love with these fish.
Fiji, my newest addition is a lovely rust coloured and much more quiet than Lancelot who is the "king". Fiji is a lot smaller and appears to be younger (judging by size) also I think a couple of his fins were damaged somehow.
But he looks great like Fijian sunset! He ate just now, a little and is happily swimming in his new tank..
Is is ok if I get a 25watt heater to put in a 3 gallon tank or will he "fry"? For some reason they don't make lower wattages if anyone knows where to get one, please let me know... Thanks..
Fiji, my newest addition is a lovely rust coloured and much more quiet than Lancelot who is the "king". Fiji is a lot smaller and appears to be younger (judging by size) also I think a couple of his fins were damaged somehow.
But he looks great like Fijian sunset! He ate just now, a little and is happily swimming in his new tank..
Is is ok if I get a 25watt heater to put in a 3 gallon tank or will he "fry"? For some reason they don't make lower wattages if anyone knows where to get one, please let me know... Thanks..