Got another Betta


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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Hi Definitely fallen in love with these fish.

Fiji, my newest addition is a lovely rust coloured and much more quiet than Lancelot who is the "king". Fiji is a lot smaller and appears to be younger (judging by size) also I think a couple of his fins were damaged somehow.

But he looks great like Fijian sunset! He ate just now, a little and is happily swimming in his new tank..

Is is ok if I get a 25watt heater to put in a 3 gallon tank or will he "fry"? For some reason they don't make lower wattages if anyone knows where to get one, please let me know... Thanks..



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Walmart sells a "tank warmer" that is a little heater, but not adjustable. Its meant for tanks from 2-5 gallons, dunno how well they work (I tried one for my 1 gallon and it heats it up pretty quick...but it says not to use it in a 1 gallon so I'm not sure what I was expecting) but they're only like 6 bucks so it might be worth a try.

If the 25 watt heater is small enough to fit in the tank (that was my problem) and adjustable then it shouldn't "fry" the fish. Just a lot of tanks that are smaller than say 5 or 10 gallons aren't tall enough to put a full size heater in it.

Congratz on the new addition! :)


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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Hi again..

It's amazing to me how different my fish are... Lancelot is an "olympic" swimmer that swims and swims and swims all over his tank... Alert and comes swimming over to look at me whenever I go by..

He now knows, that when I turn the filter off, it's feeding time.. I found that the current sweeps his food all over the tank, and I am worried he won't find it! This way I know he eats....

Fiji, on the other hand is smaller, really shy, hasn't eaten much since I got him yesterday and hides in his rock at the bottom of the tank. He is also startled by loud noises... Again I turn the filter off to feed him, he is interested in the pellets but then spits them out! He ate a couple yesterday...

I hope Fiji isn't sick... He doesn't have any spots etc on him or anything... He was in this TINY TINY mini yoghurt size cup at the pet store.. I felt so bad that I took him home.. So his 3 gallon to him is a palace.. I hope that's all it is, him getting used to his new surroundings etc....



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I hear they're pretty picky about their food...maybe he doesn't like the pellets? There was a thread awhile ago about a chick who couldn't get her betta to eat ANYTHING...but a lot of people suggested that hikari betta gold I think it was, so if he continues to kinda not eat then maybe you could try a different food?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Congrats on Fiji, I have also been eyeballing another betta at the store... but want to wait till Finchy is full health first. (He is going great)

I have heard that bettas are not strong swimmers anyway, and the fact Fiji was kept in a small cup might have caused his muscles to atrophy a little. Because he swims less, his metabolism will also be less, so that will affect his appetite. I am betting Fiji just needs some time to get back in shape.

Also, I try to keep my betta at 80F, it seems to keep him more active than 76 or 78F. I have been looking for a small tank heater also, does anyone have a make/model number for the one you said was at Walmat (in Canada, they carry different lines

May 19, 2003
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I'm pretty sure you can get a "Mini" Heater in 25 watts... if not,then definitely 50. It would fit in my 2.5g betta home i know that... I don't have one yet, but will invest in one before winter rolls around...

it would be hard to 'fry' anything, let alone a betta, with an adjustable thermostat heater. i just read in another post though that bettas can survive up to 86*F. If this is true, it would be REAL tough to fry him b/c most of the time these heaters maintain much lower temps than that (72-80)...

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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One way to strengthen a Betta (this is an old Thai method) is to put it in a round container, about 6 inches wide and about the same distance deep, and slowly start swirling the water with your finger.
Now, try to get the Betta to swim against the current. This helps them 'excercise'.

Don't swirl too fast or else the Betta will give up.. and get really really bad self-esteem. (I've read.)

Also, only do small swirls at first... if your Betta was in a cup that wouldn't fit him and a plant happily then he needs time to stretch out.

This will help him get more muscular and help his metabolic rate.

Last edited:


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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I don't even know whether it is that or not.. He looks so forlone compared to the other one... He stays at the bottom of the tank most of the time hiding in his lava rock, he hasn't eaten today. Sometimes he will swim around, but nothing earth shattering...

I wish he were more like Lancelot who is so happy and doing well swimming like crazy and being a "fish"....

I hope Fiji isn't on his last fins, I only got him yesterday...



Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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Lord knows, and now there is renovations in the apt next door and they are working in the bedroom, which is behind mine. Lovely! Poor Fiji is going to have a hearat attack... I hope he is still ok when I come back from the dentist later.... I will keep you all posted... I simply don't know what is wrong with him, no outward sign of disease , very strange...