Got back from Vacation...


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
So, I just got back from vacation tonight to find my lovely calico platy acting abnormal. I left Friday evening and dropped in a 3-day vacation food tablet which all fish immediately began nibbling on. I got home to find the tablet not completely gone, so I fished it out and dropped some real flake food in. The danios started immediately gulping it up happily, then my poor little platy came out of her "cave." She's usually pretty large in her belly/chest area, but she looks like she's been starved for days! Her "chest" is much much smaller than usual and she is swimming irratically. Her tail is moving much faster than usual. She immediately swam up to the surface gulping for food. I didn't see her eat any. I figured I would entice her with some better food, so I got some frozen brine shrimp and dropped that in, she picked around it, but I didn't see her actually eat any. I went to bed and woke up this morning to see her in the same condition. I put some more food in this morning, and she did the same thing. She looks starving! I put her in a hospital/breeding net thing in the tank, filled it with plants she likes, and dropped in some flake food in the hopes that it would make it easier for her to find it. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions about this problem??? She definately wasn't pregnant. I also did a water change, and all readings are good for a still cycling tank. 0 ammonia, 2.0 Nitrite, 10 nitrate


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Would that have an effect on the change in my fish's body shape? The readings have been like that for about a week now with no changes. Just the change in body shape after I got back from vacation.