Got lucky with a potential disaster


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
We went away for a three-day weekend, a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, while away, Ecotank (my fiance) had to have emergency surgery, and spent a week in hospital. So, the three-day trip turned into about eight days. We'd only set up for three days (enough RO topoff, automatic feeder, etc.) on the main tank and the two smaller tanks -- a frag tank and the banggai fry tank.

Once I'd stopped worrying about human medical problems, I started worrying about the fish. I knew the sump would have run dry and the two smaller tanks' salinity would be rising. I had visions of tanks full of dead fish.

Luckily, although the sump had run dry and the overflow had stopped, and one of the powerheads had stopped, there was enough flow to keep all the fish and corals OK. The food had run out, but I knew they'd be fine for a few days without food anyway. Even the banggai fry did OK with the high salinity. The only thing that seems to have suffered is one of the acans that had fallen onto its top at some point. It may come back.

I guess the moral is to make sure you have enough redundancy in case of an emergency. I think next time we may set up a webcam to be able to check on the tanks. We'll probably also have a pet sitter, in case of emergency.


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2008
I have heard of pet sitters, but web cam is a good idea too but damn make it public i would have fun watching a nice salt water tank haha! DO IT! DO IT!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Boy that was a close one. Glad to hear everyone and hopefully Eco is on the mend.
I have left my tanks with an aquarium maintenance service when on vacation twice now and no problems whatsoever. I am leaving for 5 days and leaving my husband to watch over things this coming weekend. He knows nothing but has my number in case disaster befalls. I will make sure the top off is full, food is in sight and everything else is pretty automatic. fingers crossed.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I'm really glad I didn't come home to a tankful of dead fish. I think that would have been awful. The powerhead stops occasionally. It's hooked up to a UPS, but somehow there's some kind of problem with it (or the circuit) and it goes off once or twice a week. We keep meaning to unplug it from the UPS, but keep forgetting.

Thankfully, Ecotank is getting better, he might even be able to help with water changes next weekend.