Got some LR today! and a ? or 2


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
i found a local guy selling everything in his tank! i pick up about 27lbs of LR for 35 bucks today! ill post some pics tomorrow to see if you guys can tell me what kind it is.. ill be picking up some more next weekend and also some of his live sand.. my question is he gave me some water with it b/c i don't have my tank yet lol next weekend! but anyways its not quite enough to cover all the rock and i don't want it to die but all the stores are closed that sell instant ocean or whatever its called.. so i took some news paper soaked it in the salt water and layed it over the rocks.. will this be ok for a day or 2? i hope so b/c i don't want my rocks to die! hes had them in his tank for about 3 yrs and they are lookin good! anyways thanks for the info ill post pics tomorrow!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
yikes good question. Do you know what he kept the sg in his tank at? I'd think you could dilute the water by just adding some more (dechlorinated) water to cover the long as the sg wouldn't go down a whole lot. Might get a couple more opinions on that before you do it as I'm still kind of a salty newbie too

Do you have a powerhead to put in there to get the water moving around the rocks?

That is a great deal, hope its good stuff :)

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
When you order live rock from an online store they wrap the pieces with soaded newspaper. I just ordered some and the newspaper and rock was still quite qet when it arrived. I ordered 2nd day air, but got luck and it arrived in one day.