I love my new tank setup... Must show it off!
Plan, once grown in, is to have a nice mid-sized sword out in the middle (I'll be trying to keep it small, once it gets big, hopefully the crypts will be big enough to replace it) the left side of the tank will be a Val "Jungle" (trying to keep the plants 2" apart for lots of swimming room) Some val on the right side Hygrophilia polysperma on the back (to hide things)
My Background is SUPER high-tech... err Duct tape tech Good ol garbage bags!
The Whole Enchilada (sorry about the thermometer and the floating plant bits (darn runt convict!)
Black Widow (aka Skirted, or black skirt tetras) are the main inhabitants of the tank (there are usually 8, 5 are off on 'special' duties in another tank)
My favorite inhabitants of the tank!
New tank members, Chinese algae eaters, they do a great job...
Except on this stuff! ARGH! (Plant underneath the goo is Cryptocoryne Wendtii)
Plan, once grown in, is to have a nice mid-sized sword out in the middle (I'll be trying to keep it small, once it gets big, hopefully the crypts will be big enough to replace it) the left side of the tank will be a Val "Jungle" (trying to keep the plants 2" apart for lots of swimming room) Some val on the right side Hygrophilia polysperma on the back (to hide things)
My Background is SUPER high-tech... err Duct tape tech Good ol garbage bags!
The Whole Enchilada (sorry about the thermometer and the floating plant bits (darn runt convict!)
Black Widow (aka Skirted, or black skirt tetras) are the main inhabitants of the tank (there are usually 8, 5 are off on 'special' duties in another tank)
My favorite inhabitants of the tank!
New tank members, Chinese algae eaters, they do a great job...
Except on this stuff! ARGH! (Plant underneath the goo is Cryptocoryne Wendtii)