Gouarmai sick !

Hi all,
Firstly iam new to the forum and look forward to posting and reading.

I have a Gouarmi who has in the last couple of days developed swollen lips.
They have just gone a bit puffy,but have not worsened.
The fish is still feeding but does have its mouth half open all the time,but its breathing or gill action is not rapid and there is no redness.

I tend to feed them frozen nymph or bloodworm,and did cross my mind that is it possible for a fish to burn itself on frozen ice!!!!!! just a thought, the frozen food is only a weekly treat all the other times its flake food.
There are plenty of other fish in the tank including another gouarmi,none are showing any signs of disease or stress.

Any ideas for treatment?

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If there's no redness or white patches, I wouldn't advise you medicate, unless they're extremely swollen. Keep an eye on him, test your parameters and do a water change if necessary.

Also, what other fish are in the tank? Has there been any aggression?

You should defrost the frozen foods in a cup of tankwater before you put them in the tank to avoid fish "brain freeze."

Thanks for the reply,after reading it i then considered wether threre was any trouble in the tank.
After a few hours watching,i noticed that my fighting fish was talking his frustration out on the 2 gouramis,and the molly.
I have guppies in the tank as well,but i think its a size issue,so they were left alone.
I decided that i needed to seperate the fighting fish,and have placed him in a holding box which is placed in the same tank.
I have just set up a second tank today,but i will need to leave that for 4 or 5 days before i can stock it.
Im going to put the fighting fish in the new one.
The thing i did notice though,as soon as i had removed the fighting fish,the gourami who has the swollen lips perked up and became more active and swam the full length.
I beleive the gourami may of been stressed,could this be a reason for the swollen lips?