Gourami Compatibility


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
I was just wondering about gouramis as I like their looks but don't know much about them.

I have a 20G planted tank with 5 guppies and a betta and an amano shrimp. I want a gourami, but am not sure if they will be compatible in there, if they need brackish water, if they will eat my plants, or if they will get too big. Thanks for any answers :).


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Gouramis are freshwater, no worries there. They don't really eat plants, might pick here and there though. Not enough to damage plants. Most will stay small enough for a 20g, you just want to avoid kissing gouramis (get to 12").

The biggest issue you may have is compatibility with the betta. They're related, and sometimes don't like each other. Your betta gets along with guppies so it might work, but it might not. I've got no idea if a gourami would eat a shrimp or not...


Small Fish
Aug 21, 2007
regional NSW Australia
I had my VT boy in a 65 litre tank with 2 dwarf gouramis , 4 lemon gouramis and 2 platys , 2 kribs , 1 bristlenose...They all got along well enough but Vt did blow his tail from flaring too much so had to be put in a smaller tank for a while.


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
I never had a problem with Gouami and my Betta. I had lots of problems with Gourami and other Gouami though. I think the dwarf Gouramis I had were more peaceful than their larger relatives. The gold ones were completely evil and I had to get rid of them, while the blue M/F pair I had were very friendly to eachother - once they killed off the other gouarmi in the tank.

Sep 11, 2005
To just talk in terms of genus between bettas and gouramis is far too vague in regards to whether they can get along. And as mentioned, sex does often play a factor.

For example a more aggressive gourami like a blue or a kisser might be a terror no matter what sex they are, and no matter what tank mates they have. They could also be mild in temperament. But a pearl gourami or licorice gourami will be relatively peaceful. Same goes for different betta species, though it's assumed of course we're talking about betta splendens.

In that case, there can be harmony between male bettas and certain species/sexes of gouramis. Or a bloodbath. Or something in between.

I successfully kept a female betta splendens and a female blue/three spot gourami for several years in a 20g tank together. I don't know if it would have worked had either or both been males.

And again with keeping gouramis together - some people are able to keep practical schools of aggressive gouramis in one tank. Whereas others have had pearl gouramis attack and even kill dwarf gouramis...and vice versa.

Some people keep tanks with many female bettas. Some people have watched female bettas beat the crap out of each other. Some people have even had female bettas beat the crap out male bettas!

So you see...it all comes down to just being careful in your selections (try to stay with less aggressive species and with females) and hoping for the best.


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
well I got a male dwarf gourami when my betta died, and he seems ok with the guppies, neon tetras, and the shrimp. So I hope it will stay that way :p. Anything I should watch out for with this set-up?