Gourami help

Oct 22, 2002
Hi all. I would like to build up a Gourami tank, but I heard that they are close to the Betta family, so males will fight eachother. In the fish profiles on this website it says that the Pearl Gourami is peaceful and suitable for a community tank. The question is, how will it react to another male Pearl Gourami? Another question would be how a Pearl Gourami, Blue Gourami (both males) react together? And last but not least, will Pearl Gouramis eat small fish like cardinal tetras? Thank you for your answers(and time).  


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
dont know
I kept two blue Gouramis, don't know if they were both males.  Very annoying!  They would both batter on each other and every other fish in the tank.  I didn't realize they were aggresive.  They were the only fish I've ever taken back to the lfs.  

I also kept two dwarf gouramis.  Pretty sure they were both males.  They were very peacful, never fought.

Always wanted Pearls but never had them.  


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If you consider gouramis as the SE asian replacement for cichlids then you can predict their behaviour.  If you have a big enough tank you can keep several males together, especially if theres a number of females - try 2 males and 3 or 4 females blue or pearl gouramis in a 55 gallon, that would probably be fine.  Dwarfs are so much smaller, so the tank can be a lot smaller.  If you have a smaller tank try keeping a male and 2 females of the larger species.  A male pearl and a male blue shouldn't really argue too much, but you cant be 100% sure.
 Yes big gouramis will eat very small fish, and they'll be very efficient at catching them too.
 I've just got back from a work trip to SE asia, and got lots of good oppurtunites to see gouramis in the wild, and I like them even more now, especially after seeing plenty of fully grown 15 -20 cm pearl and 3 spots in big ponds with arowanas or koi.