Gourami Info

I've been thinking about getting 1 for my 32 Gal tank and i was just wondering what kind would be good for a community tank because at my LFS i see on their labelled as either territorial or aggressive (i think they only have Gold, Blue and Dwarfs) .. i was just wondering what would be good for my tank if any at all

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May 29, 2004
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yeh, my two dwarf gouramis are anything but aggressive in my community tank, they are one of the most peaceful fish, so why they have got aggressive we will never know.....!!

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parky...do you have a pair (m/f) or more than one male? What it seems to be is the aggression is with males of the same species. 2 male gouramis will fight, a male and some females won't. A male gourami and a betta will fight as well...tho mine don't...but my betta is really laid back...put the high strung betta in my 2 gallon in with a gourami and it'd be a fight to the death.

of course there are exceptions to everything...but the general rule is more than one male gourami spells trouble.

i bought a Powder Blue Gourami today and it likes to chase around my sharks and the plecos i have are the basic 1's you find in the stores, i know they get big but mine are still pretty small and i know someone with a bigger tank that i can give them to and my sharks are a fair size but they havent grown at all i dont think except my smallest 1 (i think they grow to their environment) my friends are the same. their fun to watch especially during feeding time, if they do end up growing to a good size i can always give them to my friend with the bigger tank as well


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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My Pearls have been pretty good as far as a community fish. I have 2 males in my 40 gallon, and they only pick on each other for now.

I would suggest 1 male Pearl and 1 or more females - just to spread the love!