Gourami nipping fins

Jul 8, 2003
New Jersey
Can some one help me.. I have a male gourami picking on a way larger Angelfish. The marble's tail got a little ripped! AHHHHH! What can I do?? I can still return it but has to be by tomorrow. Major suggestions needed. To return or not return and find a different altenative, that is the question.

Jun 25, 2003
Visit site
move him or take him back. putting in more plants and deco might help, but it sounds like the gourami is just too agressive. if you don't, eventually the angel will probably retaliate and you could have a bad situation

Jul 8, 2003
New Jersey
I'm ticked off. When I went to return the fish I found out I had a flat tire. I changed but found out I had an engine problem. I threw the keys in the house and took the minivan. What a waste of time then PETsMART was closed for some reason. So I have it for life. I am going to put more plants or an isolation tank.


Superstar Fish
I bet they would still take it back, even if not for credit. After all, that is a fish they would be able to sell twice...and they like money.

Or, if they won't, try another store. I'm positive that someone, somewhere will take it!

You don't want your angelfish to get all torn up by it! But, if, for whatever reason, you can't find a place to take it back, its a good reason to get another tank!!! :)