Gourami Questions


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hi all, I recently adopted 2 Blue Gourami males (Dwarf) I received them from a guy on Craigslist, they came with a eclipse 5g hex and all supplies, all free I might add :) .

My problem/question is, This tank was disgusting, I mean down right gross, algae all over could barely see the fish, substrate was covered in slime (No Kidding) Anyway one of them has horrible fin rot with substantial fin shredding, unknown if it's from his infection or from the other male.

I put them in my "hospital" tank and began Melafix treatment (2 Days ago) anyway they both appear to be healthy considering what's been done to them, and the fin rot seems to be coming around (Too early to say for sure) they do eat (Quite alot actually) but they seem very scared...always hiding, both behind where my HOB hangs.

Now I know in some cases this is a bad sign (Hanging out near the filter, heater etc.) But I do have a air pump w/ bubble wand for aeration, as well as quality heat in the tank (Approx 75-77 degrees) and good filtration, timed lighting etc., So they aren't suffering from any of those things. My water readings are good 0/0/15 Ammonia/NO2/NO3 respectively.

All my other Gourami in the past have always been quite friendly, right out in the open, never hiding, I just wonder if I'm missing something here.
I should note the other tankmates are in my sig. below, none of which I believe are capable of scaring/bullying these two, nor have I seem these two bully any of them.

Anybody have any thoughts, I'd hate to loose these two, especially after what they've been through. :confused:

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I'm guessing that they were already somewhat stressed from their previous filthy living conditions. Paradoxically, introducing them to clean tankwater all of a sudden could have contributed to even more stress (at least in the immediate, short-term).

How did you acclimate them to the tank you have them in now?

Bottom line is that it's probably stress. If they make it through the next 48 hrs. or so, then they should be okay...so long as they don't start picking on one another.

Big Vine


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Big Vine said:
How did you acclimate them to the tank you have them in now?

Bottom line is that it's probably stress. If they make it through the next 48 hrs. or so, then they should be okay...so long as they don't start picking on one another.

Big Vine
I acclimated them by draining the filthy tank down to less than 20%, then slowly added water from the Q-tank over the next 45 mins or so, ultimately I netted them from the yucky tank and plopped them into the q-tank, temps at that point were nearly identical between tanks, and water conditions were pretty close.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
If I'm understanding correctly...
Initially they were together in the filthy tank as you drained some of the filthy water and added some QT-tankwater to replace it. You then kept them there for a bit (how long?), and then moved them to the separate QT tank. Is this what happened?

Hmm...it sounds about right to me, so I'm not sure what to tell you. :confused: Probably the whole new experience is just turning out to be a bit of a shock to them and they're a little stressed. They should de-stress over time.

Personally, I would have kept them in the 'filthy' tank for at least a few days as I slowly added healthy tankwater in with them (to get them acclimated a little more gradually prior to switching tanks), but ultimately it still sounds like you took your time...so again, I don't think you did anything wrong. Just give it some time and monitor things closely for any signs of disease or water-quality issues that might creep up.

Big Vine

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Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Sounds like stress. Keep them in low stress situations for the next week or so. No tapping, flashing lights, tank cleanings, etc. Just let them adjust. Keep us updated, hopefully they make it. Eventually, you should probably seperate them from eachother.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Big Vine:

Yea I wish, I had waited with them in the "filthy" tank a little longer, but this tank was really bad, I actually threw the gravel away it was so gross (I tried to clean it but, no luck) The previuos owner/guardian of these two guys, bought them in July from Walmart, By the look of this tank, I don't think it had ever been cleaned....ick :eek: The filter "pick up" tube, was completely clogged, I'm suprised the motor wasn't burned out, When I took a bottle brush to the tube, I actually pushed out black/brown "paste" out of it...


Yea, I'm going to seperate these two, once I get them healthy again, They don't appear to mind each others company right now though, They actually just float next to each other, quite peaceably.

New Developement:

The smaller of the two, is now doing a little tank exploration, his fins are coming around a bit (Look a little more healthy) The big one is still a little "freaked out" looking, but I think he'll come around :eek:


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI

Well after being together in the q-tank for about a week now with no problems, the Larger Gourami is starting the aggressive behavior (Hit & Run nipping :mad: ), which until now, was not happening....So I refuse to have the little one get re-shredded (Which is what I'm currently medicating him for, and he's healing well), so the large one got moved to my 20L, Being the ONLY male Gourami in that tank should "curb" the aggression somewhat (I'm hoping). :rolleyes: The Tetras are viewing him with curiosity, I hope they don't gang up on him, he's big, but he is only one afterall.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Another Update

Well the Gourami are doing well, still a bit freaked out by movement around the tank, but I suspect, that may never fully go away.

Here's a Pic, His color has returned, but he's still pretty shy.