Gourami Recomendations

Well, I have decided to make my tank a gourami only tank. I will be giving my LFS my tetras, loach (maybe), and my cory, and I will be left with 2 honey gouramis and 2 powder blue gouramis. I was wondering what would be some good gouramis.

My tank is a 20 gallon planted.
pH: 7
Temp: 76F
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: ??? I don't have a test kit for this yet

Okay, that totally changes my mind about getting the Chocolates. Though they were cute. Just saying, but sometimes you can keep more then one gourami in less then a 46 gallon tank. I currently have four, and I have seen only the Powder Blues attack each other, but that was only when I didn't put two pieces of an algae wafer in. You can keep more then 1 Honey Gourami in a smaller tank, because they are more docile.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
It depends on the gouramis of course, but generally, I wouldn't try to throw more than one in a small tank just to see what would happen. By the way, your 20 gallon is ridiculously overstocked IMO. Way too small for all those fish, I hope you're planning on upgrading soon, those fish must have no room to swim!

No worries MissFishy, I will be upgrading to a bigger tank once I can afford it, since I quit my job at the petstore. I'll probably be getting a 29 gallon or more in the summer, after I'm done babysitting.
Your the first one to say that my tank is overstocked, but I would take alot advice from you. I never thought my tank was overstocked, but you live 'n' learn

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Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I'm surprised no one has ever told you that. I just looked at your signature and noticed. Let's do the math. The general recommendation is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water.

9 neons x 1 inch = 9 inches
4 gourami x 3 inches = 12 inches
1 corycat x 1.5 inch = 1.5 inches
1 loach x (no idea what size it is, but we'll say 3 inches to be nice) = 3 inches
TOTAL = 25.5 inches of fish and that is being very very generous with the sizes of these fish. Some neons are more like 1.5 inches each, and that would considerably up your number. Same with gouramis and loach.


New Fish
Apr 9, 2008
This is my first post and it may be a little late to shed a new perspective on CGs. I read that CG howto as well but my LFS convinced me it's not that bad. I'm glad I took his advice. I've had 2 CGs in a SE Asian blackwater nano-biotype tank (7 gal mini-bow) for about four months and the tank also has 5 Hengel's rasboras and is heavily planted with water sprite, needle java fern, riccia, and moss. The nitrates stay around 5 ppm and I do a weekly 25% water change. I also use Indian almond leaves and have four small leaves in the tank at any given time. We have very soft water here in Portland, Oregon. I also use yeast CO2 injection, which drives the pH lower. pH runs around 6.2 to 6.4 and I keep the GH and KH both around 2 degrees. My CGs aren't shy at all--they will nearly eat from my fingers and they spend most of their time in the front of the tank. They generally only hang out in the plants when they sleep at night.

Here's a pic of "Hershey" over on fishlore:

The other CG is named "Cadbury" and the rasboras are "Huey," "Dewey," and "Louie," and "Daryl" and his other brother "Daryl."

If you have the right water and a good LFS supplier, these fish remain quite enjoyable and healthy.



Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
a pearl gourami gets huge..a 20gal is FAR too small
if you were not already stocked you could do 3 croaking gouramis..they are small non aggressive gouramis...there are ways to do several gouramis...it depends on the species