Gourami sensetivity

Hi, I was wondering, How sensetive are gouramis to NO3, because many websites do not recommend getting them because of their " high sensetivity to nitrAtes". So my question is, how high is high? And also what kind of gourami would work in my tank, since I am planning on giving three of my rainbow sharks back to my LFS. Thanx,


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I can't tell you anything about Gourami's special requirements about NO3... Neither about what kind of gouramis you can put in your tank, since you don't tell how big it is. The picture you attached is a Dwarf Gourami, I have 4 of them. They are moderately agressive, bot mustly against themselves... they usually won't really bother other species in the tank. The pic you included shows a male. Females don't have these colors, they are mostly gray I think. Say what your tank is, and maybe we'll know what kind of fish you can keep.


My Gouramis


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I haven't heard that one before about gouramis being sensitive. I believe chocolate gouramis are pretty picky about water conditions.

Most fish that don't tolerate nitrates well need them to be under 10ppm. What are your nitrates at before you do a water change?

What size tank do you have?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Some of the real blackwater species are ludicrously sensitive, but the majority of species you'll see are near bullet proof.

The store that I work at has Three spot, Paradise,Gold, Pearl, Sunset, Chocolate, Dwarf, Fire, and Giant gouramies. Also, the petco over here has many species that might go well with my grouping (at least thats what my girlfriend who works there says .) Another thing she told me to get a mix of six about 50/50 males and females. Is that right?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Sunsets, dwarves, and fires should all be dwarf size, just different names.

You generally want 1 gourami per tank, as they will fight with each other...they are related to bettas. It's hard to find female gouramis in most stores, but then again if your store has chocolates then they might have females as well.

I would steer clear of the paradise for most tanks (including yours), because they are insanely aggressive for a gourami and will attack other fish. I think your platies would have a very rough time with them...my paradise pestered several platies to death, for whatever reason he doesn't mind the last one. They will also pester a school of tetras and do a lot of nasty biting...eyes, gills...

This is a quote from www.aquariumfish.net obviosly ,about gouramies They may have some wrong information, methinks.

Compatibility. This species enjoys each others company. There are several color varieties, and you should mix and match at least four of them from the Blue Gourami, Gold Gourami, and Opaline Gourami

If you keep only one of these Gouramis, it will probably annoy other types of fish, especially other Three Spot Gouramis and Dwarf Gouramis. But when kept in a group the Blue, Gold, and Opaline Gouramis will focus most of their energy on each other and be less likely to bother other types of fish.

Good tanks mates for these Gouramis: All Barbs, Gouramis, Danios, Rainbows, a school of Clown Loaches, one Red Tail Shark or one Rainbow Shark, a school of Bala Sharks, and a Spiny Eel.
