Gourami: Small white dot turns to moderate pit above gill


Small Fish
Aug 12, 2006
I am new to fishtanks so I have no experience diagnosing problems.
I have looked at Pandora's disease link and have not positively identified it.

I have a 20 Gal tank with two dwarf gouramis, two tiger barbs, and one cory cat. The tank recently went through a period with high nitrites, which are now under control.

One of the dwarf gouramis initially presented with a pale spot on the right side, above the gill. It was so subtle that I was unsure it was even a disease process.

Now the white spot has enlarged and has turned into a shallow pit. It is as if something took a bite out of its side, though I have no reason to believe that it is from fighting.

One other symptom that I did see mentioned in the disease link: on that same side there is some red coloration in the center of the gill.

Any ideas?



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Is there anything sharp in your tank (rocks, plastic plants, etc.) that it could have bumped itself on? Is the pit growing?

I would recommend some Melafix for a few days, possibly with Pimafix, and then see if there's any improvement or change.