Gourami Tank


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
Hey guys. I just bought one dwarf gourami and fell in love with them. They are probably the coolest fish ever :D.

So I had an idea and wondered what you guys think of the idea.

I was thinking of setting up a 12G planted tank with a flower shrimp and some dwarf gouramis- preferably all male. I wondered if this was doable, or if there would be problems. Also if it is doable how many gouramis could I fit in the little tank?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
You should usually think of gouramis as bettas, would you make a tank full of male bettas? Didn't think so...

No, a tank of gouramis is NOT doable, please don't try. Gourami should probably be in no smaller than a 20g as they can get pretty big and need a "territory" in the tank.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Gourami tanks are doable. They are aggressive but no more so than African Cichlids. If you have a decent number of them to disperse the aggression, it can be done. I have seen a number of them and had an idea of doing one myself. What you need to do is set up the tank and get things rolling BEFORE any fish are bought. Im not sure about the shrimp surviving in there though. When your tank is stable then I would get your fish. I say go for 4 Gouramies and no less or more. This number should give you enough to disperse the aggression but not too many to overload your tank. Another thing that might help and look nice is choosing 4 different gouramies. Just make sure all of your fish are bought at the same exact time. This way no territory is able to be set up and there is no new fish to be singled out. Make sure that you get healthy specimans too. Any weakness will be killed off.

What if you only had females? I thought that males were the terretorial/aggresive ones? A 12gal is too small for a gourami tank, you could do 1 dwarf gourami but thats it.
And to whoever said that there gourami wasn't getting along with the angels, how so? I have 2 golden opaline gouramis in my 75gal with angels and they get along fine(until the angels breed). Im curiouse as to what your gourami was doing to the angels?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
You guys need to keep in mind that fish keeping is not black and white. There are general guide lines and such for the best health and compatibility; however, there are also those gray areas and somethings may work for others even though they did not work for you.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
There's also a big difference between a gourami and a pair of angels in a 29g tank and a 75g tank. In a 29g tank, there's no way for fish to get away from eachother. I know in my 87g tank I had a gourami and a pair of angels, they hated eachother, but luckily there was 6 feet of space for them to stay away from eachother.

Gouraims really aren't a schooling fish. Keeping several will not be good for their health, due to stress.