Gourami temperament w/others?

Oct 20, 2003
United Kingdom
Also known as the moonbeam gourami, this silvery fish can be an eye-popper in pet stores, but grows large (up to 6 inches) and needs a larger aquarium then most aquarists can dedicate to it. It is nonetheless peaceful for its size and can be a beauty in a larger aquarium. pH should be on the neutral side, and temperatures should be between 76-86 degrees. it should be alright with dwarf gourami and i dont think it will harm your neons, but if you get a pair and they breed, thats wen they might harm them becuase they get terrorual.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Inline, I gotta ask: did you copy and paste that first part from somewhere or did you come up with it yourself? Just wondering because half way through your posts there seems to be a change of tone :)

EDIT: Somewhere like the profiles towards the bottom of this page http://fishinthe.net/html/section-printpage-25.html

I think its great that you did research to help out, but you really shouldnt take someone elses work and pass it off as your own, afterall plagerism is illegal :)

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