Gouramis and domestic violence

Jul 11, 2008
Sunny California
So we have a female opalescent gourami that is very very sweet who was very saddened when her other gourami partner passed away so we introduced a slightly larger male who turned our tank into a domestic violence Cops episode.

We know that male gouramis can be aggressive so should we just plan on only keeping females? Have multiple females to a single male(to spread out the aggression)? Or should we perhaps get a male smaller than the female(s)?

It's a 30g tank and the male gourami hasn't shown any aggression towards any other tankmates. Thanks in advance. :)

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Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
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gouramis can be agressive to each other. Not so much to other fish. Sounds like you have the opposite situation that I had in one of my older tanks. I had a male and female. Female was slightly larger and would always chase the male away. He would hang out in one corner of my 55 gal tank all day/night. So when I setup another 30 gal, I moved him and he was much happier. From then on I only do one gourami per tank.

Good Luck!