Gouramis Friends


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
I'm new to fishtank keeping. I came across a nice 35gal tank and I've put 4 Gouramis in it along with 2 catfish and 1 pleco, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what other kind of fish I could put in there or should I just leave it as it is. Any help is appreciated!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
What type of gouramis are they? Dwarfs, blues, etc. And what kind of catfish... cories? I'm kind of assuming you have blue/golden/three-line/opaline gouramis... in which case you've got a semi-aggressive tank started. You've got room for some barbs or something similar... you'll probably want something that schools, most of the single "showcase" type fish will not get along with 4 of the bigger gouramis who are introduced first. If your catfish are cories, you could up their school to 5-6 to fill out your bottom a little more.

Since you just added fish, wait a while til you add some more. Did you cycle the tank first?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Yes, I'd like to know the answers to CAPSLOCK's questions as well.

Once your tank is cycled, and assuming your gouramies are of the type that CAPSLOCK mentioned---also assuming that you've got cory catfish of some sort (or at least nothing that will turn out to be huge!), I do have a suggestion for new tank-mates:

Bleeding-heart tetras...

I was very relunctant to get these since I find they almost always look so dull-colored at the LFS. When I took some home one day, I was thrilled beyond belief! Sure, they're a little dull when first introduced to the tank, but after a few days...and a good diet supplemented with bloodworms (they love this stuff!), they turn into magnificent little creatures.

These are mid-sized tetras (2-3 inches adult-size) that are relatively peaceful, but do have some spunk to them! Each with their own individual personalities that really shine out. I've been captivated for hours just watching these little guys and their antics.

Did I mention that they are absolutely gorgeous? All hues of red imaginable, and some nice blue coloration as well...beautiful dorsal and anal fin coloration...Especially in a tank with darker background and/or substrate.

Any specimens you see at an LFS will give you, at best, a poor indication of what they'll look like under any form of decent fluorescent lighting.

Anyway...if you're interested, plan on getting 5-6 minimum.

Did I mention that I enjoyed keeping bleeding-heart tetras? Lol. :p

Good luck with your new setup.
Big Vine


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
Sorry I should have been more detailed!! I've got 2 blues and 2 goldens, and the catfish is a small cory. I've found out from some reading on old threads here that I've wound up with all 4 male Gouramis. I intend to buy females in the morning. I dont want the fish to fight. I also forgot to mention that I have this crazy African Butterfly Fish which I'm not too fond of, but its an interesting fish still. The fish stores here in Alaska are rather lacking when it comes to options. Plus you always end up with the teenager who'd rather be on their cell phone then tell you anything about the fish you are taking home. Fairly disappointing I must say.
Oh and the Gouramis are all dwarfs.
I decided to start a tank since coming across the 35gal for such a nice price, and also for my 2y.o. son. I'd like to get some fish in there that are appealing to him.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
Is this a 35 tall? What are the dimensions of your tank? The answers to your questions depend on this.

Cories like to be in groups, if I were going to add anything to this tank without the above data, I'd add some cories. What sort of pleco do you have?


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
If the gourami's are getting along fine now, I would be real leary about adding some females. Unless you add more females to males, say 6 of them, chances are that the males would fight even more when the females are introduced.

I agree about the cory cats, they like to school so you should get at least 3 more, preferably 5 so you have a school of 6. I also agree about a schooling fish like a tetra or barb. You could get 8-10 smaller tetras or barbs and they would look really nice with the gouramis.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
Corries are lovely little fish. They love company and school together. (I have seven of them in a large tank and they go around in a little herd. There are three different types all together). you will find LOTS of different types of corry and they are all useful, peaceful, gregarious and fun to watch. Most are pretty cheap too. Check out panda corrys worth a look. and not too big

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
4 might be enough gouramis to spread out aggression and/or all set up little territories. If they are fine, I'd leave them alone too... plus it can be pretty hard to find female dwarf gouramis. They should get along with pretty much anything listed as a community fish... what kind of fish are you interested in? With the butterfly fish and the gouramis, you probably don't want any more real top dwellers... maybe some more cories for the bottom and something that likes the mid-levels of the tank. A school of rainbows, maybe?


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
My butterfly fish has disappeared. I'm not kidding.. My boyfriend said he didn't take it out, but he's nowhere to be found in the tank!
The dimensions of the tank are approximately 22" tall, 12"wide and 30" long.
The Gouramis were not getting along to well the last 2 days, there was alot of picking at eachother. But today I've watched them awhile and they seem to be doing fine.
I'm really curious as to where the butterfly went. I've moved the plants, the log, and its just not there.
Also, floating plants are good for Gouramis? I think I read that in a previous thread.
Thanks for the help folks! I appreciate it all!
Oh, and this is horrible, but I have no idea what kind of pleco I have. He's kind of leopard spotty looking. I have pictures that I'll load so you all can tell me whats what. I hate to be the one with a tank full of fish and not know anything about them.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
It sounds like a common pleco -- he'll eventually outgrow your tank.

Your 35 tall tank has the same footprint as a 29 gallon or a 20 gallon and should be stocked conservatively because of that. 4 gouramies may prove to be too many as you're already noticing. They are pretty fish but can be real punks.

Check all around the tank in at least a 6' radius, your butterfly may have flown the coop, especially if he was sharing space with gourami. They can make some real distance just with jumping, not to mention subsequent flopping. :(

I would still get some more cories and you might be able to get away with a small shoal of medium/small, non-nippy barbs/rasboras/tetras.