Gouramis that get along?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I would really like to get more than one gourami for my new 18g tank, however we found out the hard way that more than one male in a tank doesn't work (that was in our 65g).

We had some opalines in the 65g, but they really didn't get along, to the point of 3 of them dying :((

I would like a dwarf blue gourami for the 18g tank, and if it would work, another gourami. Does anyone know if there is any way this would work with a different kind of gourami with him? Should I just get one dwarf blue and forget about any other gouramis in there at the same time?


Superstar Fish
Well, you could get a couple or three female dwarf gouramis. They aren't anywhere near as colorful as the males, but they are still pretty in their own right. Also, it may work to get two females and one male. Just make sure when you buy them that you can take them back if a problem arises, and be sure to add them on a day when you can stay home and supervise the little maniacs;)

However, I think one male Pearl (Leeri) Gourami would be a perfect centerpiece for the tank. With a fish that pretty, you won't need any others!:D


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have a feeling I won't be able to get males and females. It seems the local stores only have males :(

I guess I will just go with one (probably a dwarf powder or neon blue, or possibly a gold).

I really wasn't sure whether two different kinds would fight, and I didn't want to risk it. Thanks for all your input :)


Large Fish
Aug 8, 2003
West Midlands, UK
Visit site
heres a good idea,

why not have a pearl gourami and some honeys. Pearls are large but peaceful while honeys are small enough and timid enough not to bother it and you could keep a group.
However honeys are quite delicate and you may need to watch what fish you keep with them.

Hope this helps