

New Fish
Dec 1, 2003
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I have a 55g, cycled, tank. I have two power filters a regents 40g which came with the tank and a whisper triad which I bought after I realized the one with it was inappropriate. Presently I only have to moolight gouramis, which I believe are males, and 5 danios. Now I know danios and gouramis are not advised but my moonlights don't seem to mind them. That is my first question would anyone strongly advise at keeping them together? Also the moonlights being both males would this pose a problem in the future? As of right now they leave each other pretty much alone with an occasional chasing off. Also could I be able to put in a pair of pearl gouramis and opaline gouramis or is this not a good idea? A response would be greatly appreciated thank you.

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Danios and Gouramis not advised? Nono, Gouramis and Danios are fine together. In fact they come from the same area in the wild naturally.

I keep 5 Danios and a Dwarf Gourami and there's really never been any problems. Of course you see the occasional nipped fin but that's how the pecking order in the tank goes.

Males might have some agression issues, but it's different for each fish. Just keep an eye on them.

I've read of tanks with several diffrent types of gouramis, just keep the male to female ratio balanced. 2 females to 1 male is normally adequate.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have an opaline gourami and 5 danios in a 65 gallon without problems. The only problem I had was with male gouramis together. If you can get some females, you should be fine. Pearl gouramis are supposedly the least aggressive ones, but I haven't kept any personally. :)

Oct 20, 2003
United Kingdom
I have 1 female golden gourami, 1 female dwarf and 1 female red robin gourami with danios and they seem to be fine. The danios dont bother the gouramis becuase there busy chasing each other around the tank.

its true wot lotus said, if you get to males together the weaker male will lose its life, it doesnt sound good but its there way of showing whos boss.

But normally 2 gourmais are fine together.