

Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
In some species of Gourami, the male is colored more vibrantly, however the usual way is to inspect the dorsal fin, in males it tends to be longer and comes to a distinct point, the females generally have a shorter dorsal coming to a more rounded end. I can't say this is the case with all Gourami, but it is with most.

My Gourami eat the usual Tropical flake, but they enjoy tubefex worms and brine shrimp on occasion. I also put lettuce in there from time to time, they seem to enjoy that as well, Just take out whats not eaten.

Note: Unless you intend on breeding, find yourself all female Gourami, they're less aggressive, or just purchase 1 single male, even then he'll get more aggressive around spawning time, but generally makes a nice community fish. Others may disagree, but I'd advise against housing them with any Bettas (Especially Males), but thats your call.

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