Although they're related to bettas they're not quite as aggressive.
In my early (and naive) years, I bought a blue gourami and gold gourami for a 25 gallon. Both were males, and the blue was scrappy with the gold for a while. However the aggression eventually subsided and they didn't bother each other at all. They certainly didn't stress each other a particular amount and I ended up with no dead gouramis. I've done this once again since with the same results, in a 55 gallon. I guess they found their territories and stuck to it without any issues.
By their reputation I wouldn't reccommend doing this. However I'm not sure to what extent the reputation is truth, and how much of it is truly deserved. At least, not for all gourami species.
I have, however, found that dwarf gouramis are a particularly scrappy species and the males can be fairly boisterous. I'm assuming all your gouramis are male?
Personally I agree with bass on this one. I think your tank is far too small for 4 gouramis and I'd return all but one I'm afraid. There just isn't the space for them to set up a proper territory and you'll cause your fish unnecessary stress.