graduation present: a new 75!


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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My mom wanted to get me something nice for my high school graduation. Since she couldn't afford a car and I didn't want a new computer, a larger aquarium was the next choice. Over the past two days, she has taken me to six different LFS's in the city (quite a journey). We decided on an All-Glass 75 gallon aquarium, predrilled!
I debated over whether I should go salt or fresh, but this is the salt forum...
I plan on transfering any compatible equipment to this new tank as well as all of my current livestock. Here's what I have:
29 gallon tank (probably will use as sump)
29 gallon stand (probably will sell)
30" PC light fixture, 130 watts total (will use either over sump or sell)
2x powerheads
AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer. This is rated for up to 75 gallons. Will I need to go with something better (maybe the Pro version)?
Hang on tank refugium (may sell)
heater of adequate wattage for a 29 (might sell or just get another one)
random other odds and ends
35lbs of LR

Here's what I need:
Megaflow Kit for drilled AGA
48" lights, comparing PCs to MH
maybe a bigger skimmer
return pump (maybe a Mag Drive)
heater of adequate wattage for 75 gallons
base rock
more LR (will buy from other local hobbyists to save money)
probably a couple of Seios

I also plan on going with a DSB but don't know how deep I should go. I really like the nearly barebottomed ease of detritus removal though. This is just day two of heavy research, so I haven't nearly covered all the bases yet. The initial setup is going to kill me. I still haven't figured out where I'm going to get 75 gallons of water from. Ugh.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
sounds like you are on your way. Most of your existing equipment will be okay in the short run, you may want to upgrade to the remora pro version but what you have will do in the meantime. I have a 75 and have a 5" dsb which is constantly moved around by my diamond gobie and sea cucumber not to mention the nassarius snails. The sand and rock will set you back a bit but you have a start with what you already have. I would add what you are going to and cycle it then add the stuff from your 29. I would use that as a sump, sounds like you have it under control. You will need different lighting than what you have. I like my lighting though it is heavy and awkward to move on and off the tank......I wish I could have hung it from the ceiling......


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Yeah, I dont think that you need to upgrade the skimmer, has a large trade/sell forum. You can get some really good deals on new and second hand stuff.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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I have no idea what kind of fish I want yet--all I have is a single clownfish in my 29.

Right now, the only way I can see this happening is if I buy an RO unit. Taking three or four 3 gallon jugs to the supermarket every other week gets old really fast.

As far as lighting, I think I want to go with PCs again--will 260 watts over 75 gallons be enough? That's approximately 3 wpg. I don't want to keep SPS or clams, just soft corals and "LPS"

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Last night I ordered "The New Marine Aquarium" by Paletta from I actually want to try to set this one up right ;)


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
PC's can work for sure, but MH will be so much nicer.

Other than that you have a plan. Upgrade the heater, dsb in the sump, get a nice return pump, you're off.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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If I go with MH then I'm definetly going to need a chiller. Keep in mind I am in sunny Arizona and my average summertime temperature in the tank is around 84. I just saw a chiller last week for sale locally on Reef Central for $250, but I didn't know I would have a bigger tank a week later!
I will give some more thought into the lighting and look around a little more. For now, I'm deciding on an RO unit that will be able to handle my monstrous tap water. It looks like a competent unit is going to cost me $200 and I'm not even sure if that includes the media.
Thanks again everyone.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Thats a sweet present man, that tanks is gonna be nice.

And if you cant use anything on the 75 and are going to sell hit me up with a pm I need some stuff :) and would love to buy it from ya if your not using it

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
dbacksrat said:
Right now, the only way I can see this happening is if I buy an RO unit. Taking three or four 3 gallon jugs to the supermarket every other week gets old really fast.
If you have room to store it (that RO unit will take some space) you could perhaps buy in larger quantities and cut your number of trips to the water store in two.

I make a trip every 2 or 3 weeks and grab anywhere between 10 and 20 gallons. That does me fine for my 90tall which I believe has the same footprint as the 75 that you're getting (you lucky sod ;) ) I live in Northern Cali so have the same high temps you do. I am however only using flourescent lights which arn't as hot, and my tank is covered.

If you can afford the RO unit though, hell get it. I wish I had one.

Any more thoughts on new fish? Get a nice Angel. A really expensive one. Although make sure he hasn't got a taste for corals like my blueface has. He made short work of my now deceased Goniopora. Kole tangs are nice too.


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Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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Yeah I'm still definetly planning this one out. I thought I was broke after setting up my 29...

As far as fish go, I'm toying around with all sorts of ideas in my head. It IS nice having a larger tank! I'm thinking about doing a reef but without the inverts (similar to my present setup) so I can go with some reef questionable fish. For now I'm just concentrating on the equipment. What a headache!


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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I picked the tank and stand up today. There was a discrepancy over a the tank's price because of a mislabel that made us pay a little more, but that's ok. I did get a 10% discount on the entire purchase because of a seldom known deal the LFS has with an advertiser.
I also got an emerald crab and an urchin too. The urchin would not let its self come off of the rock, so I got a nice piece of arch live rock with a ton of pods for only $3 (a major steal).