Gravel Cleaning

Jul 3, 2010
I am new to aquarium owning. I have a 90 litre coldwater tank with 7 small fish. The tank is in balance for ammonia and nitrates, or so my testing kits tell me. I have a problem with the gravel which is variuos colours going black and the palstic flowers are going brown.
Is there a reason for this and is there a solution?


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Hi, welcome to MFT, it's great for advice and lots of helpful tips :)

Can you tell us what the readings are for Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite?

This way we can help you better :) and find out what is happening.

Also what type of gravel? Big or small, like sand?

Hopefully, some of the other users (who know far more than me) can give some advice as to what it could be!

x x x x

Jul 10, 2010
My first guess is that it's algae. Mystery snails would probably clean it up, but slowly and would probably not get the fake plant. Try getting about 6-7. Also, you could try a pleco, but they are very dirty and I have not had a pleco that lived well in water below 76.

Good luck.