Gravel or Sand?


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
I'm debating on switching things up in my 75 gallon cichlid tank. Right now it has just plain old white gravel in it, but I want it to look more realistic, and want to make my cichlids feel more at home. So my question is what's better for them. Sand? Or realistic looking gravel?
Right now I'm working on some caves for them made out of styrofoam and cement (havent got to that part yet so I havent quite decided what to use, I've also heard or drylock). Any imput would very much be appreaciated as I just want to do whats right for my fish.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I would use gravel.

1) It won't get in your filter like sand will.
2) It is easier to take out of the tank once it is in.
3) Gravel is easier to clean without taking out a bunch with the cleaning tool.
4) I heard that treatment for ich and stuff like that can't penetrate the sand.
5) I use gravel, anyways. :p


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I have used both and have come to like gravel better. In addition to the problems already mentioned many have reported that sand of much depth (over an inch I think) has packed and created conditions where pockets of anaerobic bacteria can grow. This can apparently lead to the release of toxins (perhaps methane?) into a tank.
That said, cheap construction sand can be dry sifted to obtain particle sizes similar to gravel and will be much less likely to pack. I use an old colander or build a screen wire setup to sift sand depending on the size particle wanted.
Gravel also seems better for growing rooted aquarium plants. A year or so ago I bought 3/4 ton of construction sand to bed some pipes from a nearby cement buisness for less than $20.00. At that price it would not cost too much to get a few hundred pounds, sift and discard the fine material and have plenty of gravel sized particles.


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
Thank you. I'm thinking about just going with realistic looking pea sized gravel. None of that colored stuff anymore. I want my tanks to look real. My 36 gallon has pink purple blue & green gravel in it. Time to change it up because I'm tired of it looking like a 4 year olds tank. Lol.

Feb 27, 2009
My 36 gallon has pink purple blue & green gravel in it.
Hanna87 - I like the look of 'natural' gravel colors too. We call this pink/purple/blue/green gravel 'clown puke'!! Haha!!

I lived 3 years in Des Moines, nice to see someone else from Iowa. Nice in the spring/summer/fall, but you can KEEP the snow!


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
OrangeCones- No snow here yet (knock on wood!) Lol. I hate the cold. At least I'm a stay at home mother though, I only have to go outside when I have too. Lol.

Update: I upgraded my 36 gallon yesterday to a 55 gallon. No more "clown puke" lol. Bought the 55 with stand through Craigslist. Came with a bunch of decorations and 3 fish, a ( I think its called ) smooth nose pleco, a tetra, and a huge clown loach. The clown loach and the pleco are going to my lfs next weekend to get traded in for other fish. I have no need for them, I sapose I could of put the pleco in my 55 sence it doesn't have one yet but this thing is ugly to me at least lol. Same with the clown loach, but I know nothing about them, and I'm sure there's a better home for him/her.
So my now has the natural gravel and green (fake) plants. It looks pretty good. I love it!


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
No such thing as an ugly pleco, LOL

Good luck with the new tank, I was happy to see you decided to use gravel. My son has a 180 and I a 150 both tanks where switched to gravel about 6 weeks ago and the fish seem to be happier and more active.


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
My mollies are loving it! Now to do the same to my Cichlid tank.
I don't know what it is about that pleco, but I just dont like him. I have a 8 inch sailfin pleco in my Cichlid tank, now he's cool lookin. Lol.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I have sand in all my tanks except my 20 gallon and i'm planning to switch that to sand as well.

1. I think it looks cleaner
2. my cichlids move it to much to allow pockets of gass to form
3. it's easy for my fish to dig in it
4. it's easier it vacuum since u just glide it across the surface as opposed to digging it down into the gravel

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
theres pros and negatives, i've always used gravel... i did have some sand at one point but any fish with a big tail e.g pleco, will irritate you as one light swoop and its all over the place, in the filter, all over plants and rocks... it really annoyed me and i love plecos so sand had to go...


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
That's a very good point. In the Cichlid tank there's a 10 inch or longer pleco so of corse he has a huge tail. Lol ( That's him in the pic ) Thanks for the advise.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
i use HOB filters and i have had to cut the intake tubes shorter so that the sand does not get sucked up. now i do have some sand that gets into the filter i will admit and have had to replace impellers cause the sand ground away the shafts after about 2 years or so. but to me the look of the sand is well worth it. and once it's all said and done what realy matters is what you think of the tank and what you like.