Gravel Question

Apr 7, 2005
Hi. Have 2 questions. *twirlysmi
I got a catalog yesterday for our LFS. As I was paging through it I found a new gravel that I would like to have. Right now I have the colored stones that you can more or less get anywhere.*twirlysmi
Its called *SUNSMILE* Torpedo Beach Sand.*SUNSMILE* It says here recommend for FW tanks with external filtration. I can get 50lbs for $21.99. Now here is one of my questions.
Is using sand for gravel good. I read somewhere that sand will up the PH a little.
And here is the other question. I have a 55 gallon FW. How can I change the gravel. I have no other tank set up and I don't want to lose any of my fish that I already have.
I have a 10 & a 20 gallon tank but there is nothing in them, I was actually going to get rid of them at yard sale.

Can I take one of the empty aquariums that I have if I take some of the water out of the 55 and put it in either the 10 or 20 and use the filters that I have on the 55 for filtration right now, or will that kill my bacteria that I need to keep it cycled?

Sep 11, 2005
Sand is unlikely to affect your pH so long as it is inert, that is to say, it doesn't leach tannins or calcerous materials into the water. Carib Sea's website indicates that this is an inert product. Therefore it should have little to no effect on your pH.

But upon seeing a picture of that sand, I am instantly reminded of the sand I've been using lately. It's Quikrete medium grade sand. You can get it at Lowe's for five dollars a fifty pound bag. I'll bet my baklava that it's the exact same thing.

As far as changing the gravel, I would do it along with a water change. Take out maybe 30-40% of your water, then remove the old gravel. Once it's all out, then you can lower in the sand (carefully!) smooth it out, etc.

Refill the tank and all should be well. Sounds easier than it really is, but that's only because it's busy, messy work.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
What he said ^^ and I would take the 20G and use your 55G tank water to fill it up, throw in an airstone (or move your filter) and change it. Give it a few hours (or a day if you can) to clear up and throw everyone back in. Well not literally but Im sure you know how to put fish into a tank. :D lol.

Apr 7, 2005
Ok Im all ready I went to my Local Lowes and Home Depot store and guess what. It was just what I figured they only carry play sand, so I stopped by my Local Pool Supply store and they had 2 skids of it sitting right out front. 50 lbs for $5.99 needless to say I grabbed a bag. Now I was wondering with having a 55 gallon tank can I get away with just 50 lbs of the sand? I talked to the people at the pool supply store and they said they only sell the sand in 50lb bags. I dont want to have to buy another bag if I don't really need it.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I think that one bag should be enough. But if you are going for a deep sand bed then you might have to get another. Just store the extra who knows what you'll be able to use it for. Maybe another tank!!!:p *SUPERSMIL :p


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2006
so then what if its a planted tank? then how many inches of sand would i need? (sorry for asking this in someones post, thought its basically the same question) I'm going to try to be switching over to sand for my brackish tank.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2006
aye aye, Lotus!!

Since brackish is mainly a mucky substrate, I've been thinking about switching up gravel to sand. I'm still debating whether to get cheap play sand, or something else.