Gravel Vacuuming: When, How, Why, Alternative?

Jul 13, 2009
OK. Maybe not why, but let me be a bit more specific. There are a number of questions here, so any contribution to one or more (or all) would be appreciated.

One month into a "fish-in" cycle, I'm running a 29g with a very light colored gravel substrate that does not appear to yet contain very much debris at all. I suspect and have read (but am not sure) that it might be best NOT to vacuum until the cycling process is complete. OK. But...

1) How often AFTER the tank is cycled?
2) How important is this - if chemistry (and aesthetics) are acceptable?
3) Would I be OK with adding a single bottom feeder?
4) Would that eliminate the need for vacuuming?
5) Is the siphon "hand pump" the best way? Mine doen't seem to "suck" the gravel into the large tube as advertised.
6) I don't have access to MUCH of the gravel due to decorations. What about that?

Sorry for all the questions, but at least they all pertain to the thread title.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
1) with each water change. Weekly or every other week.
2)It can lead to build up of sulfuric gas and other toxic things that when finally disturbed will be very bad.
3)What kind of bottom feeder? A small group of cory cats is ideal for a 29 gallon. As long as you stay on top of your levels and cycle you can add a few (3).
4)No, Most bottom feeders will not turn over the gravel enough to release gas and debris will still build up. Even if it looks clean when you do a gravel vac you will see otherwise.
5)Siphons are the easiest way as as long as the gravel is being overturned and the dirt is being removed, I am assuming it is working.
6)Try your best, Its a pain to move everything each time but atleast once a month try to move the decorations a bit to get into that gravel.

Jul 13, 2009
Thanks! Concise, pointed answers to my questions. Here again, fishkeeping and the overhead associated with it really does seem quite intuitive once you know the "science" behind it.

Again, thanks for the continued support of the neverending stream of "newbie" questions.