I can say that I'm 99.99% that there is nothing you can do to help your fish until you upgrade all of your 5 goldfish into a much, much, much larger tank, say 150 gallons or more. I know you want to upgrade slowly, but it's really unhealthy to cram all those goldfish into a small space. Plus, it looks like you added more goldfish since I was last on this forum. Having 4 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank is like living in a closet with 4 other people and never being allowed to leave to use the bathroom or receive medical help. I advise you to purchase a monster-sized tank or pond or sell all of your goldfish to someone who has enough room to properly care for them. If you are really attached to your fish, I would get rid of all of your goldfish but one. Sell both of your 15 gallon tanks and buy a 30 to 40 gallon tank for your single remaining goldfish. And, of course, cycle the tank.